Meeting Minutes

August 15, 2012 – Minutes of Meeting

  1. Minutes of the July 18 meeting reviewed.
  2. Case studies not available will be reviewed at the September meeting
  3. Jeff Lederman of Island Wildlife Natural Care Centre has retired so this year is a transition time for IWNCC according to Marielle Bohnet seal pup rehabilitator. Seal pups will go to IWNCC and once they are stabilized will be sent to the Vancouver Aquarium Marine Mammal Rescue to complete their rehabilitation to good health and then released. Liz Ciocea has been in touch with Lindsaye Ackhurst Marine Mammal Specialist at the aquarium about seal releases and the Aquarium would like to come to Gabriola to release healthy seals and will keep GROWLS informed.
  4. Carmel Briscoe has offered to head up a unique Fun Fundraiser at the Commons Fall Fair “Jail & Bail “ where people get pledges for GROWLS (Bail) first they go to jail and then produce their pledges to get bailed out. More details will be sent to GROWLS volunteers as Carmel develops the event. Lets all see what we can do to help Carmel and the wildlife we serve.
  5. Mark Hendricks reports the new GROWLS website is nearly ready to be turned up and set a date of September 01, 2012. More to follow on this exciting project and new look for the website. Mark is hoping to have Dar Mace trained and then she will train other volunteers so the website can be kept current and fresh.
  6. Liz Ciocea has proposed the idea of a study of fawn/deer deaths on Gabriola roads to see if the areas where the deer are being hit are fenced, crossing from forest to forest, speed issues, deer being fed crossing busy roads, etc. It will be brought to the next meeting to see what volunteers would like to form a committee to take this on using the past case histories.
  7. Report read out for Marcel Glock about Mudgefest and $61.00 was collected and GROWLS seal pup tips/brochures/fridge magnets were given out. Marcel’s unique and made with love pottery seal pups where a big hit. Thank you Marcel
  8. Report read for Bette Lou Hagen that $240.00 has been collected by Colleens where the GROWLS Watercolour Wildlife cards created by Bette Lou are sold. A card of thanks will be sent to Colleen. Thank you Bette Lou
  9. Beaver DVD held over again till the next meeting.


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