- Regina Lorek, a local Islander, spoke on her experience using homeopathy on animals. She noted that aconite (www.hpmedicine.com/hp/aconite.htm) used as a first appliqué (for shock) and arnica (www.hpmedicine.com/hp/arnica.htm) as a follow-on or stand-alone medicine (for injury or bleeding) worked wonders on rescued animals. Application by spray or pill should be directed to a mucous area on the animal to speed absorption and effectiveness. Samples of both herbs were left at the meeting for use in rescue kits. Further guidance will be disseminated regarding this usage. Since liquids could now be involved in rescues, it was suggested (and passed) that rubber gloves (non-latex) be procured for rescuers’ use (Lisa Carter will champion).
- Case Studies: Year-end and 1-16 Jan 08 data were reviewed. The year-end numbers reflect GROWLS involvement with animals and not actual rescuers-in-the-field events.
- The eagle that hit power-lines in the Berry Point area on 20 December (causing a power outage) was the third such occurrence over the past 4 years. BC Hydro will be visiting Gabriola to gather further info on this matter.
- Off-island queries to GROWLS concerning injured wildlife on Vancouver Island will be referred to BC Conservation Office 1 – 877 – 952 – 7277 (24/7 answering).
Wildlife | # | Lived | Died | Comments |
deer | 65 | 28 | 37 | died 16 adults – 21 fawns |
birds | 70 | 43 | 27 | |
seals | 18 | 16 | 2 | |
racoons | 10 | 9 | 1 | |
total | 163 | 96 | 67 |
Wildlife | Lived | Died | Unk | Comments |
deer | 2 | 3 | [Died]
1 shot? *1 vehicle strike (Nanaimo), 1 head-in-fence |
turkeys | 1 | previously
known group nomads |
robin | 1 | leg injury |
Barred Owl Presentation
Shirley Highfill instructed us on strix varia (Barred Owl) and capped her presentation with a DVD segment filmed at the North Island Wildlife Recovery Centre, Errington. Post-presentation discussion revealed that our Gabriola-rescued Barred Owl (27 October) that was taken to Errington will be ready for release soon. It is anticipated that we will have a Release Celebration event on Gabriola in the near future (Bill Kalbfleisch investigating).
Upcoming Events
- Tracy Anderson, Wild ARC, Saturday, 19 January at Rollo Centre 1330L. Early arrival by attendees is requested to assist in the set-up of chairs, coffee, etc.;
- Film Festival, 25-26-27 January, will see GROWLS display an info table. No volunteer bodies required;
- Ethan Smith, “Building An Ark: 101 Solutions to Animal Suffering”, Community Hall, Sunday 24 February will see GROWLS and other island animal agencies benefit from attendance contributions.
General Discussion
- Grade 4 “Thank You” binder (that was presented to GROWLS for a previous school presentation by Liz, Dar & Nikki) contained a myriad of questions that GROWLS is only too happy to answer. Dar is compiling the response to the children. The binder also provided some great art work, which has feasibility for future use in a tile mosaic at GES. Dar will investigate;
- Eagle Monitors Wanted! Valentines Day brings about the birds and the bees, especially the local eagles. Dar wishes to add people to the Monitoring List to document the daily lives of these birds. Further info available at 247 – 7415;
- Waiver. A draft ‘Volunteer Release Form’/ Waiver will be reviewed by Bill Kalbfleisch for GROWLS volunteers to adopt and subsequently sign, potentially specifying such things as the limits, liabilities and responsibilities of all concerned in the rescue of wildlife on Gabriola;
- Intern. A suggestion was made that GROWLS employ a student during the busy summer months in an ‘intern’ capacity. Potential work-sharing with Twin Cedars was discussed. Investigation continues;
- Web Site. It is assumed that the majority of GROWLS members are in favour of a dedicated organizational web site. An island business (Eternal Flow Computers) has offered a financially-attractive proposition to host this site. The initial building and maintenance of the web site will be accomplished locally, and it is anticipated that Mark Hendricks (Shirley’s son) will eb available to assist in the task. Members are encouraged to contact Dar (247-7415 or maceharvey@shaw.ca) with their thoughts and ideas on this site;
- Eagle Mascot. Liz mentioned the possibility of having our power-line-struck eagle (mentioned earlier) sent to a taxidermist (once BC Conservation is finished it’s post-mortem). Investigation on-going;
- Donation. A sum of $150 was suggested/approved to be given to Mountainaire Avian Rescue Society for their recent training opportunities to – and past support of – GROWLS.
- Training Course. February will be the next opportunity to undertake a local GROWLS 4 hour course in animal rescue. Liz will advise date-time-place.
This meeting ended at 2110L hrs. The next Monthly Meeting of GROWLS will be Wednesday, 20 February @ 1930L hrs and held (as usual) at the Rollo Seniors Centre.
Sheila (& Bob) Lake
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