Meeting Minutes

April 16, 2008 – Minutes of Meeting


  1. Earth Day April 22nd. Planet Earth will play at the Roxy. Three segments in the afternoon at 1400 and three more in the evening at 1900. Donations accepted;
  2. Hydro wires were photographed on Berry Point Rd to determine where eagle alert whistles would be mounted. These whistles are wind activated;
  3. Frog night is on schedule for 18 April at the Rollo @ 1900;
  4. GROWLS website continues with development. Typing assistance would be welcomed and can be done from home. Please contact Bob Lake if you can help.

New Business:

  1. New eagle nest at Degnan Rd/ North Rd. The tree has been tagged;
  2. It has been proposed to purchase a storage shed for GROWLS equipment/ supplies. Cost and type to be determined;
  3. Nikki Stewart attended a Noah’s Wish disaster training session held in Victoria. She briefed GROWLS members on how some of the training could be applied to Gabriola in the event of a disaster;
  4. Parks and Recreation has presented GROWLS with a $700. grant to be used for purchasing rescue equipment;
  5. New start time for GROWLS monthly meetings has been approved for 1900 (7P.M.).


The next Monthly Meeting of GROWLS will be Wednesday, 21 May @ 1900L hrs and held (as usual) at the Rollo Seniors Centre.

Sheila (& Bob) Lake,  247-8886


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