- Earth Day April 22nd. Planet Earth will play at the Roxy. Three segments in the afternoon at 1400 and three more in the evening at 1900. Donations accepted;
- Hydro wires were photographed on Berry Point Rd to determine where eagle alert whistles would be mounted. These whistles are wind activated;
- Frog night is on schedule for 18 April at the Rollo @ 1900;
- GROWLS website continues with development. Typing assistance would be welcomed and can be done from home. Please contact Bob Lake if you can help.
New Business:
- New eagle nest at Degnan Rd/ North Rd. The tree has been tagged;
- It has been proposed to purchase a storage shed for GROWLS equipment/ supplies. Cost and type to be determined;
- Nikki Stewart attended a Noah’s Wish disaster training session held in Victoria. She briefed GROWLS members on how some of the training could be applied to Gabriola in the event of a disaster;
- Parks and Recreation has presented GROWLS with a $700. grant to be used for purchasing rescue equipment;
- New start time for GROWLS monthly meetings has been approved for 1900 (7P.M.).
The next Monthly Meeting of GROWLS will be Wednesday, 21 May @ 1900L hrs and held (as usual) at the Rollo Seniors Centre.
Sheila (& Bob) Lake, 247-8886
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