Meeting Minutes

June 18, 2008 – Minutes of Meeting


  1. Web Site:  Progress is slow but steady. At the current rate, the web site should be operational by 1 July;
  2. Eagle taxidermy: The bird remains with Nanaimo Ministry of Environment (MoE) office while the application for retention is being processed in Victoria. Hopefully, no application fees ($65) will be assessed. Once approved, the bird will be picked-up by the taxidermist and processed. This new GROWLS member will be calling Sheila L\’s loft \’home\’;

New Business:

  1. Hunter Educational Sign:  As a result of resident concerns, the Gabriola Rod, Gun & Conservation Club has decided to erect a sign on Gabriola and at the Nanaimo Ferry Terminal to advise hunters that public land is scarce on Gabriola and that private land requires landowner’s permission (preferably in writing). To do this, the GRGCC signs will be piggy-backed upon existing signs (one at the Gabriola post-office fire conditions sign and the other on the Nanaimo GROWLS sign). GROWLS agreed to this idea, provided that:

    1. no damage is done to the GROWLS sign in positioning/de-positioning the GRGCC sign;
    2. the GRGCC sign is ‘seasonal’ and will be removed in non-hunting seasons;
    3. the wordage chosen for the GRGCC sign not be offensive to GROWLS; and
    4. BC Ferries agrees with the sign’s intent and positioning.
  2. Raptor Rhapsody: An upcoming (21 –24 August) festival called “The Elements: A Festival of Nature in Performance” has offered GROWLS a chance to participate. Consequently, “Raptor Rhapsody” will occur at The Commons, Thursday, 21 August @ 10:00 p.m. and last for approx. 45 minutes. It is intended that people gather under the stars, away from civilized influences (artificial lights, noise, etc.) and appreciate great music interspersed with avian (primarily owls) communications.  
  3. Seal Pup Season:  With the weather encouraging more beachcombers and the whelping season for seals starting, seal pup rescues are upon us. All rescue kit holders are to ensure contents are sufficient for rescue (especially towels and gloves). All rescuers should wear gloves (if wondering why, research “zoonosis” in your favourite browser’s search engine);
  4. Snake’s Alive: Marcelle distributed BC MoE flyers concerning local snakes and how-to identify frogs/toads species;
  5. Eelgrass Workshop:  The 5th of July event will include several GROWLS members. For those who have misplaced the 5 June e-mail that was sent out pertaining to this event, call Sheila L (250.247.8886) for re-issue;
  6. Computer Grant:  GROWLS will acquire a computer for official use in various Society functions. This is possible because of a grant from the late Peter Stratton (see ).
  7. Frog Habitat Protection:  A draft letter was submitted for consideration in which it was proposed that a future building site developer in the south end be apprised of the need to protect habitat whilst constructing and maintaining the property. Further investigation and coordination in this subject area will take place before any action is considered;
  8. Wolves Presentation:  Liz will investigate an invitation for Chris Darimont of Raincoast Conservation Foundation ( to educate us on wolves.
  9. Case Studies:

    Statistics: 22 May – 18 June 2008

    Wildlife Lived Died Unk Comments
    deer 3 4   2 cases involved dog chases
    Otter 1     had an encounter with a dog
    small bird   1 6 Everyone was very willing to feed and care-for &/or take to Vet
    eagle 1   1 One call regarding the protection of fishing trees on private property.
    owl 1     Baby, parent returned
    Squirrel, Red 3     Baby, all parents returned
    Seal 1     Rescued pup flown to Saltspring

The meeting was adjourned at 2020L hrs. The next monthly meeting will be Wednesday, 16 July @ 1900L hrs in the Rollo Centre.

Sheila Lake,  247-8886


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