Meeting Minutes

November 19, 2008 – Minutes of Meeting


  1. The October GROWLS Mtg was not held, hence no minutes exist.
  2. Note: The December GROWLS Mtg is CANCELED.


  1. Case Studies reviewed by Sheila. The Ruxton beaver situation was discussed. Notification of the banded Cooper’s Hawk demise was
    appreciated by the tracking organization;
  2. Possible guest speaker, Chris Darimont, from Raincoast Conservation Foundation in February;
  3. Possible guest speaker, Robert Bateman, to be investigated;
  4. Guest speaker suggestions to be forwarded to Liz;
  5. Volunteers required to write articles for Sounder (Liz handles the Flying Shingle);
  6. GROWLS participation in Kraft Fair discussed;
  7. GROWLS Raffle possible in February (possibly Sheila Norgate painting, orca carving, etc.);
  8. Dar’s report on Frog Program discussed;
  9. Lion’s Club will hopefully be able to donate money to GROWLS;
  10. Shirley Nicholson presented a slide show depicting her and Gisela Cavill’s involvement in an eagle rescue/transport;
  11. Shirley Nicholson presented a slide show depicting the rescue of seal pup “Rome”.

The meeting was adjourned at 2015L hrs. The next monthly meeting will be Wednesday, 21 January @ 1900L hrs in the Rollo Seniors’ Centre.

Sheila Lake,  247-8886


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