- Regina Lorek re-introduced emergency homeopathic treatments for injured/ ill wildlife. It was stressed that GROWLS rescuers could not “overdose” in administering Aconite and Arnica to wildlife. It is recommended we dilute both in water and keep ready for use in the rescue kit spray bottles. For extra validation and knowledge please visit Jeff Lederman’s contribution to the Island Wildlife Natural Care Centre website (
- There are 15 new rescue kits being prepared for distribution. March 28th has been tentatively set for a re-supply of existing kits. All rescuers are asked to check their kits and ensure they have them up to date. The contents list can be found on the GROWLS website in the ‘Members Only/Worksheets’ section.
- Chris Darimont/ Great Bear Rainforest will give a presentation at the Haven on 19 March. It is suggested entry will be $10/ adult $5/ students. Jaki Deer will volunteer and others are asked to call Liz if you can offer a couple of hours for this good cause.
- There will be a GROWLS rescue course on 26 Feb 09, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. at Suzy’s (top floor). Five spaces still available. Call Liz if interested.
- Liz will give a GROWLS presentation to the Islands Trust council meeting on 11 March.
- There will be a poetry reading at Degnan Bay on 29 March. The theme will be fledglings and other birds. Jean Wyenberg will represent GROWLS.
- Eagle Nest Monitors: Our local eagle nest monitoring program is working with the Wildlife Tree Stewardship and can upload data directly to Community Mapping Network . Eagle nest information can be put on the WiTs maps by sending it to one of our local monitors, Jean W., Iain Lawrence or Dar Mace. Ian Moul (WiTS coordinator) then verifies the information and puts it up on the public maps.
- Frog/Toad Monitors: We have received the Islands Trust funding allocated to last years frog monitoring program. It is hoped Dr. Govindarajulu will be able to re-visit Gabriola this spring.
- Museum Liaison: GROWLS has been approached to participate with the Gabriola Museum in creating an expanded natural history display. We will look at the feasibility of showcasing our mounted eagle in the exhibit. Sheila L will talk with MOE
- Oiled Bird Workshop: Dar will pursue funding.
- Earth Day: GROWLS will present a segment of Planet Earth at the Roxy. Volunteers are needed for the afternoon and evening shows. Please call Liz. Jean will promote this event through island media.
- Shirley Highfill presented the monthly case studies.
- Case Studies:
Jan 21 – Feb 18 2009
Wildlife Lived Died Unk Comments Guinea hens ?? Retirement Village covey – telephone action Rabbit ?? Horsheoe/Browns Way – telephone action Deer 7 1 4 vehicle strikes Dog 1 Varied Thrush 1 injured – telephone action only LBB 1 telephone action only BEAVER 1 found on shore
This meeting ended at 2030 hrs. The next Monthly Meeting of GROWLS will be Wednesday, 18 March @ 1900L hrs and held (as usual) at the Rollo Seniors Centre.
Sheila L.
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