Meeting Minutes

May 20, 2009 – Minutes of Meeting


  1. Hummingbirds Judy W presented an update on this year’s banding effort being held at Shirley N’s property;
  2. CASE STUDIES: Presented by Sheila L (see web site Stats 2009, 16 Apr – 20 May matrix for details);
  3. Marine Mammal Response: The Public is invited to an Information Night at the Nanaimo Yacht Club @ 6:30 p.m. An e-mail has been distributed to all GROWLS addressees on this subject;
  4. Seabirds: MOE is soliciting help in collecting dead seabirds whose demise is involved with – or suspected to be involved with – oil-spills (specimens should be dead < 24 hours ). Call 1-604-862-8817 for 1 or 2 carcasses found. If there are 3 or more dead birds found, then call 1-866-431-2473;
  5. WRNBC AGM Hosting: Nikki W will be GROWLS Point Of Contact should the Wildlife Rehabilitators Network of BC wish to hold their Annual General Meeting in March 2010 on Gabriola Island;
  6. Fawn Alert: The possibility of posting ‘Fawn Alert’ informative posters around the island was discussed. Liz to investigate;
  7. GROWLS Brochures: Merrily A has volunteered to ensure GROWLS brochures are stocked with the Welcome Wagon and Visitor Centre organizations;
  8. Web Site: GROWLS web site requires a dedicated ‘Webmaster’. Please call Dar (250.247.7415) if you can perform the task. An article “Winter Kill In Local Deer” written by Dr. Helen Schwantje of MOE will be put on web site;
  9. Waivers: Rescuers are reminded that they need to sign a waiver of liability in order to perform rescues for GROWLS. This is a yearly requirement;
  10. Fund raising: A Tea to recognize Bette Lou Hagen’s long-standing contribution to GROWLS is ‘in the works’. Her original artwork has been donated to GROWLS for use in fund-raising. Arbutus Building Supplies has offered wood to GROWLS to form the basis for ‘GROWLieS’. A volunteer woodworking-skilled person is required to cut the wood to shape. The basic, unadorned shapes will then be offered to island artists for unbridled, interpretive adornment and eventually used by GROWLS as a fund-raiser at silent auction.

This meeting ended at 2015 hrs. The next Monthly Meeting of GROWLS will be Wednesday, 17 June @ 1900L hrs and held (as usual) at the Rollo Seniors Centre.

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