- Call for Directors – GROWLS presently has three Directors. It was agreed we would be better represented if we had five Directors in place. An e-mail will be sent to all GROWLS members soliciting interest in volunteering as a Director.
- Directors Roles and Responsibilities – Members present were asked to review a draft copy of Directors Rules And Responsibilities. After discussion and suggestions, it was decided the draft would require more work before adoption.
- Case Studies – Shirley Highfill presented the case study report. Details can be viewed on the GROWLS website.
- Subcutaneous treatment – Some members have expressed interest in rendering subcutaneous care as an emergency treatment only. If Saltspring is willing to conduct training, it was agreed that four (4) GROWLS members should participate.
- Financial Update – Dar presented the current financial report to members present.
Discussion was held on whether GROWLS should have membership dues. No decision was reached. - WRNBC AGM – The annual general meeting of the Wildlife Rehabilitators Network of BC will be hosted by Gabriola at the Haven. GROWLS has been asked to give a brief presentation of the history of our organization. Dar Mace and Shirley Highfill have offered to assist Nicki von Westarp with local arrangements.
- Website Promo – Members believe a three prong approach to promoting our website should be pursued. Suggestions included a poster, newspaper(s) articles and postcards featuring the sites home page. Costs will be brought to the next meeting.
- Pager Alert – It was suggested a member-wide alert be sent out by a Director if someone called the pager reporting an injured animal. This would be the action of a Director in order to keep the member contact list private.
- Fundraising/ Events – Betty Lou Hagen; volunteers are needed to help and bring cookies.
MudgeFest; very successful day
Alexandra Morton; A suggested event would see Alexandra Morton visit Gabriola and give a presentation on salmon and fish farms. This would be in conjunction with a GROWLies silent auction fundraiser. Details to be worked out.
- Meeting Day/Date – After discussion, it was decided to explore options for changing the regular monthly meeting from the second Wednesday to the second Thursday of each month.
Meeting adjourned at 2030.
Next meeting TBA
Meeting adjourned at 2030.
Next meeting TBA