Jean Wyenberg introduced guest speakers, Imelda Cuthbertson and Margaret Taylor who presented a slide show and accompanying brief on their study of the Black-tailed deer on Gabriola. Although the study was completed in 2001, the information it contained is very topical for the current population and island conditions. Gabriolans feeding deer continue to be a source of unwarranted human interaction with wildlife. This behavior stimulates an increased deer population with possible malnourishment. Increasing natural habitat would help to stabilize the health of our deer population.
Thank you, Imelda and Margaret, for your presentation.
New Members; Dania Sheldon and Martin Godwyn were introduced. Welcome to GROWLS.
- Old Business – Minutes of the Sept meeting were reviewed :
- Website update. Site has been updated;
- Homeopathies. The survey was sent to 23 kit holders, yielding 9 responses. Consensus was to continue supply/use of homeopathies, with refresher instruction;
- Membership Fees. A Lifetime membership fee of $10 will be introduced at the Christmas Craft Fair (Community Hall). Shirley H has volunteered to design a Membership Card;
- WRNBC. Progress continues;
- New Directors. Nikki Westharp is a new Director. Welcome, and thank you, Nikki, for taking on this very important role with GROWLS; and
- Liability Insurance. No new information
- New Business :
- Case Studies: Sheila L. presented the months case studies (see web site Rescue Report 2009 for details). Discussion was held regarding GROWLS response to bat rescue. Previously, all pager calls were referred to Public Health and Twin Cedars Veterinary Clinic. Current provincial protocol is to respond only to any confirmed bat bite/scratch incidents. GROWLS possesses gloves/net to accommodate rescue/release and we will research a better protocol approach;
- Funding cuts: Liz has volunteered to write to government agencies expressing GROWLS concerns. All members are encouraged to do likewise;
- Fundraising: GROWLS will participate in the Christmas Craft Fair at the Community Hall. Moira, Shirley H, Dania and Jean have volunteered to help. Betty Lou Hagen and GROWLS cards will be sold at the Twin Beaches Bookstore;
- Website: Prototype postcards were presented for approval/amendments. The following is an illustration of the winning card.
Next meeting will be Wednesday, November 11 at the Rollo Centre 7 p.m.
Meeting adjourned 8:50 p.m.