Meeting Minutes

December 9, 2009 – Minutes of Meeting


  1. Old Business – Minutes of the Oct meeting were reviewed :
    1. Website update:   Site requires more updating/corrections. Action: Dar;
    2. WRNBC:  A student bursary is available.
    3. Liability Insurance:   Jane is still investigating. Incorporation relieves Directors of liabilities. A “Society” can have liabilities. GROWLS is federally chartered as a registered charity. Are we incorporated? Jane will confer with Billy to clarify our status.
  2. New Business :
    1. Case Studies:   Sheila L. presented the month’s case studies (see web site ‘Rescue Report 2009’ for details).
    2. Funding cuts:  Liz presented her excellent letter written to the Premiers Office of the Provincial Government on behalf of GROWLS and wildlife rehabilitation centres regarding funding cuts. She received a letter in return acknowledging her concerns but offering no immediate solutions.
    3. Membership Cards:  Shirley H. prepared a welcome letter detailing the benefits of GROWLS membership for both GROWLS and the member. A prototype card was presented for review. Shirley will make the suggested and approved changes to the card.
    4. Fundraising for Saltspring:  Jean has created a “Geneva” card and all monies generated will be donated to Island Wildlife Natural Care Centre in Saltspring. Cards will sell at $4.00 each.
    5. Get Well card:  Members present signed a get-well card for Norm Snihur expressing our concern and best wishes for his recovery to good health.
    6. Lions Club:  GROWLS has received a very generous grant for $1000 from the Gabriola Lions Club. Liz sent an appreciation letter to the Lions.
    7. GROWLS history:  Liz and Jill Haras are compiling photos to document GROWLS history. A slide presentation created by Jill will be shown to attendees at the WRNBC AGM conference in March at the Haven. Please send photos to Liz and Jill.
    8. Willcox appreciation:  A luncheon for Mr. and Mrs. Ted Willcox will be held in the New Yyear. Ted has generously contributed to the success of the GROWLS website by permitting use of his wonderful wildlife photographs. The date is to be determined.

Next meeting will be Wednesday, January 13, 2010 at the Rollo Centre, 7 p.m.

Meeting adjourned 6:55 p.m.

A Christmas social hour/gift exchange followed the business portion of the meeting.

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