- Welcome : to Kassie, Shirley H. granddaughter visiting from Saskatchewan. Kassie is an honourary GROWLS member and has helped out in the past.
- Old Business : Minutes of June 9th, 2010 reviewed
- New Business :
- New wildlife manuals “Answering The Call of The Wild” were reviewed. There is lot of information and it was suggested to go over different sections at each meeting so members would be comfortable with the format. Two copies were purchased so one could be passed around to membership and the other copy could stay with the Pager Box.
- Director’s Meeting re grant application was discussed and it was decided a grant for a projector/screen would be applied for. The benefits for are twofold 1. For teaching/educational information at the meetings. 2. GROWLS presentations to other groups on the island about our wildlife and the role GROWLS fulfills with injured/abandoned wildlife.
- Possibility in the future for GROWLS to have a radio spot “GROWLS PROWLS on the almost ready FM Station planned for Gabriola. CKGI 98.7 FM. At a future meeting Ken Zakreski organizer of the radio station will make a presentation to GROWLS.
- SEAL PUP CHRONICLES —a possible collaboration between GROWLS & IWNCC to follow the rescue, rehabilitation and release of seal pups from Gabriola. Posted to the website in a timely fashion so people could follow the work done by GROWLS volunteers and the dedicated staff IWNCC. Carried over for further discussion with IWNCC and what GROWLS member would like to take project over.
- OCEAN’S DAY—Smaller crowd than 2009 but all were enthusiastic about Our Oceans. The weather was rainy, grey & dismal. Ten volunteers helped at the GROWLS table and Jean gave an excellent talk on seal pups. Seal pup tips were handed out to the attendees and all who came into the park.
- OUTA MY MIND ARTWORKS—Ed & Sharon donated 9 beautifully carved birds for GROWLS to sell as a fundraiser.
Next meeting: August 11, Rollo Centre, 7 P.M.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35 P.M.