Meeting Minutes

September 08, 2010 – Minutes of Meeting


  1. Old Business : Minutes of July 14, 2010 reviewed (August Meeting cancelled)
  2. New Business :
    1. Case studies for July & August discussed and reviewed, suggestion was made to have the case study book at the meetings to know particulars about calls.
    2. New Director- Lawrence Mayles has volunteered to lend his name to be a Director for GROWLS. Thank you Lawrence.
    3. FALL FAIR at the Commons and the RETURN OF THE GROWLIES fundraiser. Jean W. will prepare the bid sheets and get the artist statements. Liz will organize volunteers and arrange for a canopy in cases of rain. Main focus will be the GROWLIES rather than our usual cards. GROWLS brochures, fridge magnets and donation tin and will be on hand. Liz will send a press release to both island papers. Fourteen people including Artists, Friends of growls and GROWLS members have indicated they want to make a GROWLIE.
    4. GROWLS History DVD’s are available and a $5.00 donation gets you a story of the organization complete with wonderful photographs of island wildlife taken by GROWLS Members. Two showings on the big screen at the Roxy brought rave reviews. Available to GROWLS members now —- contact Liz for copies.
    5. STORAGE FACILITIES – Additional equipment as in fish net, Kevlar raptor gloves. catch pole, cage net and additional supplies are now with Liz. A GROWLS inventory list has been made and will be included in the pager box and sent out to the members. A big GROWLIE thank you to the Lakes for looking after the supplies in the past.
    6. A new eagles nest has been reported and the info has been referred to Iain for follow-up. If there is a nest in the tree the tree will be photographed, numbered, GPS reading taken and a sign from the MOE attached so it will be protected. WITS will then also catalogue the tree.
    7. MUDGEFEST –Thank you to GROWLS members Marcelle & Scott who once again invited GROWLS to Mudgefest. Thank you to Gary who ferried us over and back in his boat. Thank you to Fred for his donation of coconut bars, candy treats these plus our wildlife cards brought in $100.00 from generous folks on Mudge.

Next meeting:  Wednesday October 13, Rollo Centre

Meeting adjourned at 8:35 P.M.

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