Meeting Minutes

March 9, 2011 – Minutes of Meeting


  1. Members polled via email re Deer Study by Dr. Peter Arcase and members decided against having a presentation on Gabriola. Sharon McInnis notified of decision.
  2. Date for trip to IWNCC still to be finalized.


  1. GROWLS fiscal year ends January 31, 2011. Treasurer Billie Hatton presented the financial report for the period February 01 2010 to January 31 2011. GROWLS is in good financial position with $5,517.00 in the bank. Copies of the report distributed to all and discussed posting on the website under members only. Copies will be furnished on request to members. Billie was presented with a card of thanks from all of us at GROWLS for her dedication to the financial side of the organization.
  2. Case studies for month of February reviewed.
  3. Members then discussed the donation of $1000.00 to IWNCC who cares for all the seal pups & other wildlife rescued on Gabriola. Unanimously passed to send the donation from GROWLS. Cost of one seal pup in care amounts to about $1000.00.
  4. GROWLS eagle monitoring Dar Mace requested $150.00 to cover expenses for Ian Moul of WITS to come to Gabriola to assist the group with the program. Members present approved this.
  5. GROWLS welcomes 12 new members who completed the GROWLS Rescue & Introduction To Wildlife Course. Three of which also took Pager Training from Sheila Lake. Great GRROWLY welcome to the new folks.
  6. March 03 visit to the Gabriola School was well received by the Grade Two children and a suggestion by one young student that GROWLS should have their website on the fridge magnet was immediately adopted by GROWLS with a vote of thanks for the great suggestion. Carol will explore a more visible profile of GROWLS at the school
  7. New people will be paired up whenever possible with experienced rescuers. Copies of a letter from Sheila Lake outlining some of the issues getting people together was handed out. Continued discussion at future meetings will be ongoing.
  8. DVD from NIWRA about the Barred Owl was shown with good information about this species.
  9. No date as yet for the visit to IWNCC



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