Meeting Minutes

October 12, 2011 – Minutes of Meeting


  1. Review of minutes for September.


  1. Case studies for September by Donna T. Calls about deer, eagle, heron that was released, fawn hit on the North Road, barn owl went to Erington, woodpecker was being transported but died, deer injured, bird into window, baby squirrel, supposed bear sighting, pileated woodpecker seemed injured, but flew away, baby seal on its own on beach, couldn’t find.
  2. Mark H. And Liz S. reported on the website meeting. Liz showed the map of the public site, much as it is now, (eg. added News and Wildlife alerts); members only site, could include directors’ contact info and then a breakdown of what is included in the actual development of the site (the components draft). They have worked on the discovery process which would help reduce the cost of a programmer. Discussion on value or questionable value of this website design. The next phase will be to get quotes on the development of this.
  3. Wildlife Rehabilitator’s Network of B.C. will have their AGM on March 9th -11th, 2012 at Courtney, hosted by MARS.
  4. Christmas Craft Fair is on Nov. 19th and 20th. We will sell cards and carved birds. Sharon and Dennis generously sold GROWLS’ cards at their store. We will need volunteers as we share a table with Cats Alive.
  5. Marcel will make some clay seals which GROWLS will pay for and sell. We will mount one on a piece of wood with a plaque for a gift for Norm S.
  6. Norm S. Will like to come to Gabriola to allow us to honour him at a lunch. We could also honour Ed and Linda Harris from Nanaimofor the transporting they did this summer. Tentative date, Tuesday, Oct. 25Th, maybe at Silva Bay, or a potluck….
  7. Maj from Erington could come in Nov. to give GROWLS members a little 4 hour workshop re rescue procedures. Several members expressed interest in such a workshop.
  8. Liz C. reported on a demonstration she gave to the Lions Club to apply for $500.00 to pay for the wildlife puppets that GROWLS is purchasing to be able to give wildlife education puppet shows.
  9. Demonstration by Nikki S. And Liz C. on the use of the catch pole, the cage net, the fish net and the kevlar gloves for animal/bird rescues.
  10. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.


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