Meeting Minutes

January 16 – Minutes of meeting


Liz Ciocea, Carol Hemrich, Shirley Highfill, Janet Miklas, Andy Rollerson, Liz Steele, Donna Thorvaldson,  Nicki Westarp.


  1. The meeting began at 1:00 pm.
  2. Andy Rollerson made a short presentation about bald eagles. Liz Ciocea wrote an article for the local newspaper, The Shingle, about bald eagles, which was published in the January 14, 2013 issue.
  3. Minutes from the November 21, 2013 meeting were accepted.
  4. Shirley provided a summary of rescue activity and pager calls for December and 2012. Total calls for the year were 287.
  • 96 calls, deer (hit 22). Deer are regularly the subject of pager calls, due to traffic accidents, being chased by dogs and death from winter conditions.  One report was of a border collie went for a deer’s stomach, which is a very aggressive, going for a kill attack.

Liz C. suggested it be reported on the RAPP line as soon as possible.  She also said that if a deer is arching its head back, that is usually the last gasp.  Also, Liz C. said that historically, 1/3 of GROWLS’ calls are related to deer, and 2012 was the same.

Positive Note:  One call was received about a doe with and injured front leg or shoulder in Shirley’s area.  Shirley saw her days later, so we can remember that some do survive.

  • Other calls received were about a turkey, pets, chickens, a sheep, a dog, a cat and a cockatiel. GROWLS also received a call at night about loose horses.  Livestock are not within the GROWLS mandate.  The RCMP would not come even though the animals were on the road and a safety hazard.  Through PALS and 4-H, there could be a contact for GROWLS for livestock issue.  GROWLS calls could be handed off just as Petfind are handed off.

Action:  Donna will try to secure a contact for directing livestock calls. 

  • A bald eagle flew down to a dead animal in the Tunnel, and its size was a shock to one driver. Shirley called Emcon to alert them to the traffic issue.  Shirley commented that Emcon have always been great when she has called them.
  • Some sheep have been reported stolen and on the loose, and one report suggested two pit bulls were a problem for sheep on Spruce Road.
  • We had a report of a calf dying on a Gabriola farm, and a volunteer responded. The SPCA received several complaints, and they apprehended another calf.  All of the livestock on this property are suffering, and the RCMP are also involved.
  • A raccoon had been trapped in a compost bin for up to possible a week. Shirley kept it in a crate overnight.  Shirley is concerned about raccoon roundworm because it is serious, as well as the aggressive nature of raccoons.  The crate used is now designated as the raccoon crate.  Raccoon rescues are rare, and Shirley feels GROWLS is not equipped to handle raccoons, which will likely be transported to Wild Arc.  This raccoon had a broken leg and it was in bad shape, and it was euthanized.
  • Maintaining volunteer interest in the Pager is important. People who were trained need to have an opportunity.  Shirley acknowledged that she could have handed the pager over, but was not able to do that.

Action:  Liz Ciocea will send past emails to Donna about pager succession.

  1. Islands Studies Conference: Nicky Westarp reported that no response has yet been received on our application.

Action:  Bring forward at the next meeting.

  1. Deer Committee: No one was not available to report.

Action:  (1) Shirley will forward the GROWLS 2012 stats to Iain.  (2) Bring forward at the next meeting.

  1. Liz Ciocea provided an update on inviting Karen Barry from Beached Bird Survey to give a presentation. Sharon McInnes has arranged for Karen to come to GROWLS’ April meeting, and it will be opened to the public.

Action:  Bring forward as needed.

  1. Island Wildlife Natural Care Centre: GROWLS received a letter saying that IWNCC on Salt Spring will do only seal pups this year (they rescued 57 seal pups in 2012) because of physical and financial limitations.  Other animals will be transported.  Liz C. read the letter aloud.  Shirley suggested that the government agencies are concerned about diseases crossing over to other species.  For example, GROWLS had a young bat and a seal, and it was illegal to transport them in the save vehicle.  Liz C. referred people to the zoonoses section in the GROWLS handbook, and suggested annual safety reviews for GROWLS members.  Shirley felt that her gloves were too short for handling the raccoon mentioned in her Pager report.

Action:  Liz C. will provide ACES equipment catalogue at the next directors meeting.

  1. GROWLS members Jean Wyenberg and Kristin Miller, who are also members of the Positive Energy Quilters, attended the hearings in Victoria about the impending pipelines. Liz C. showed the local newspaper, the Flying Shingle issued January 14, 2012, which had coverage of their advocacy.  Liz C. suggested a thank-you card on behalf of GROWLS for their efforts.

Action:  Liz C. will send a thank-you card.

  1. Liz C. shared that the Raincoast Conservation Foundation films “Groundswell” shown recently on Gabriola and “Artists for an Oil Free Coast” book were very good. She shared the book with the group.
  2. The meeting was adjourned at 2:07 pm.
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