Meeting Minutes

February 20 2013 – Minutes of meeting


Iain Lawrence, Joanna MacKenzie, Sharon McInnes, Shirley Highfill, Donna Thorvaldson,


  1. The meeting began at 1:15 pm.
  2. Minutes from the January 16th, 2013 meeting were not available and therefore not reviewed.

However, some of the action items from the last meeting can be commented on here:


Re: a contact for directing livestock calls.  Neither PALS nor the 4-H have the information or would be willing to take this on. Donna will keep looking. Tabled.


Re: pager group:  Liz Ciocea will send past emails to Donna about pager succession. Done.

Re: Growls application to the Island Studies Conference.   Nicki Westharp reported at the Director’s meeting that we have been accepted. Suggestions for what we might do in our 20-30 minute timeslot will be solicited. She will have more information at the next meeting in March.

Deer Committee Report mapping deer accidents:   Iain Lawrence reported that this is ongoing.

Shirley will forward the GROWLS 2012 stats to Iain.  Tabled.


Liz C. will provide ACES equipment catalogue at the next directors meeting. Done.

Liz C. will send a thank-you card to Jean Wyenberg and Kristin Miller for their contribution to the hearings in Victoria about the impending pipelines. Assumed done.


  1. Shirley provided a summary of rescue activity and pager calls for the period of January 1 – February 19, 2013. Total calls were 18 for January and 10 so far for February. The majority (16) were calls about deer. (See attached.)


  1. Sharon McInnes reported that Karen Barry from the Beached Bird Survey group is scheduled to come to the GROWLS meeting on April 17, a  regular meeting day, to do a presentation about the Beached Bird Survey and other Bird Studies Canada programs, such as the Canadian Migration Monitoring Network, Nocturnal Owl Survey, Breeding Bird Atlases, Coastal Waterbird Surveys, Project Nestwatch, Project Feederwatch, and ebird Canada. It had been agreed earlier that the public should be invited.

Questions were raised re: whether the presentation should be held in the afternoon, during our regular 1-3 meeting time, or whether it might be better to hold an early-evening presentation that might attract more people from the community. Shirley Highfill agreed to check on the availability of the Rollo Centre for the evening, and will let Sharon know. If any of our active members have input to this decision, please let Sharon know as soon as possible. Her email address is If the Rollo Centre is available, Sharon will contact Karen to see if she would be available to do an evening presentation that day.

  1. We discussed the upcoming AGM and the agenda for this meeting. The bulk of the meeting will be the yearly report from the treasurer, Billie Hatton.

We would like to add the following to the agenda:

  • Possible reorganization of responsibilities as suggested at the Director’s Meeting.
  • The creation of a “Guiding Principles” document for Growls.
  • A discussion of the expectations of and for active membership in Growls, especially re: input and decision-making.
  • Proceeding as soon as we can with a planning meeting (originally discussed in September of last year).


  1. Corporal Haslam called Donna on Saturday, February 16th to report that the file on the three raccoons that were shot in September has been closed. She said that because MOE Conservation officers were not proceeding with the case, the RCMP weren’t either. She wasn’t sure of the status of the case involving the shot heron, as this was Trevor McKay’s case.


The meeting was adjourned at about 3 PM.

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