Meeting Minutes

June 19, 2013 – Minutes of Meeting


  1. GROWLS volunteers staffed a booth at Ocean’s Day on June 9, 2013 at the RDN Campground. Liz Ciocea shared pictures of healthy and premature seal pups, and other pictures that were shared at Ocean’s Day, including photographs of a molting elephant seal.
  2. Andy Rollerson gave a short slide show on raccoons. A brief discussion followed about the hazards of raccoon rescue.  Andy was invited to make another presentation, perhaps on otters.
  3. Joanna read the minutes from last meeting. Liz S. moved to approve the minutes from last meeting; seconded by Joanna.
  4. Pager Report: Shirley presented the pager activity for the past month.  A domestic dog at large attacked one of the wild turkeys; the owner had an attitude that needed changing, so the RCMP got involved.  A baby bird was hit by a car and lived.  A man had a problem with otters under his house, and we think the mother otter was trapped and taken away.  The babies were left, and two of the three babies died.  We found another eagle without a head at Brickyard.  People don’t always know that robin babies are kicked out of the nest before they can fly and are then fed by the parents from the ground.  According to the folks at Errington, it seems that herons and flickers are suffering from back and spinal injuries, and a young Gabriola flicker is currently having trouble standing.  As a result of a deer being trapped in the Telus compound, we found out that Rick Jackson, Fire Chief, has keys to all the compounds on the Island.

The procedure for dropping off animals at the Ministry of Environment was clarified.  The MoE reception staff do not want animals in the office.  Iain said now the MoE staff will pick the animal up at the Nanaimo ferry terminal.  Liz C. added that Twin Cedars vet is willing to hold deceased animals in their freezer if GROWLS members do not want to put them in their personal  freezers.

  1. The Board organized the roles and tasks into groups. Committee reports were provided.  Michelle reported that as Treasurer, she had some frustration around connecting with other signers for the cheques, which require two signatures.  Joanna took on coordination of the Administration tasks, which includes creating a Library and organizing someone to do the Minutes, which Joanna suggested could be done on a rotating basis.  Liz C. suggested that the newspaper articles, etc. could be compiled and go into the GROWLS Library.  Shirley reported that Carmel and Donna are updating the rescue and pager information.
  2. Iain reported that Ian Moul, who coordinates the WTS (Wildlife Tree Stewards) program that monitors nesting raptors and herons on Vancouver Island, is coming at the end of June to talk about the program to interested community members. Darlene Mace-Harvey, who monitors the eagle nesting program on Gabriola, will also talk about the 23 to 25 nests on Gabriola.
  3. Island Wildlife Natural Care Centre (IWNCC) and North Island Wildlife Recovery Association (NIWRA) in the past. There was a concern that IWNCC on Salt Spring program may not be able to carry on, but last report was that they have a full complement of Interns.  Liz C. said it costs $1000 to care for one seal pup (and we have donated that in the past), and last year we gave NIWRA $500.

Liz. S. moved to donate $1000 and $500 to IWNRC and NIWR respectively.  Shirley H. seconded.  All in favour.

Shirley reminded the group about the need for raccoon rescue equipment and agreed to look into getting the equipment.  Shirley also reminded the group about a discussion about purchasing a cell phone in addition to or instead of a pager.  The group agreed that cell phone coverage on the island is not good, however, a cell phone could be useful for people on a rescue or when transporting animals.  Liz C. suggested the cell phone could be used by the pager person to make calls instead of them having to use their own phone.  Michelle suggested that it is more efficient to reimburse people for use of their own cell phones.  Shirley will do some more investigating about GROWLS owning a cell phone.  Vicki offered some information about catch poles, and Liz C. offered to bring them for the next meeting.

  1. Liz C. reported that we need to come up with a new helicopter site because with the building of the new Fire Hall, Norn Snihur cannot land there any more. The Fire Chief suggested Davison’s farm on Shaw Road, but they will need a call ahead.  Kelly Brooks at Twin Beaches has offered that property.  Shirley said that Norm would prefer to fly in over water, which fits with the Davison’s property.  Twin Beaches can be an alternative site only when the Davison’s property could not be used.
  2. Liz C. reported that she had committed to a GROWLS puppet performance at the Gabriola Theatre Festival on August 17, 2013. She will invite interested GROWLS members to play a part.
  3. Shirley will check into the cost of purchasing a printed copy of the Wildlife Act/Regulations.
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