Attendance: Larry & Sherry Fossum, Nicky Westarp, Gini Green, Vicki Macdonald, Liz Steele, Andy Rollerson, Jane Giffen, Iain Lawrence, Liz Ciocea, Noreen Hindle
- Reading of minutes from September 18, 2013 meeting and introductions
Motion to accept minutes Motion carried
Pilots N Paws-Ginny
Liz to discuss with local connections to help with recruiting pilots and facilities
3) Committee Reports:
- a) Library-joanna Mackenzie
GROWLS to establish a budget for the library
Mainly reference books are needed
Books will be accessible via online
Suggestion to keep the focus on Gabriola’s wildlife
Liz will solicit for books via online, with contacts and in newspaper
$200.00 allocated to begin the project
Motion to approve a budget of $200.00 Motion carried
- b) Update on Eagle Monitors- Iain Lawrence
Island Trust has agreed to match funds next year of $1000.00.
Map of nests to be available on WITS.COM
- c) Deer Committee-no updates
- d) Raccoon Committee-
Send contact info to Shirley
- e) Fall Fair-
$52.00 raised
Weather interrupted the days but there was a definite interest
- f) Rollo Open House-
November 2, 2013
GROWLS will have information table from 11-1
4) New Business
The Wolves Soccer Team donated $500.00 from the BMO Day Pay it Forward Program
Nicky was contacted regarding bursaries and/or scholarships to students in the animal care field
We could repeat if we wanted each year?
Awards Ceremony-under $500 held at school, over held at Port Theatre
Discussion on whether GROWLS should sponsor student or keep funds
- Suggestion to use it for more education in school. Liz said there is already a presence
- We can stipulate who will qualify
- All in agreement that it should be a student from Gabriola
- Suggestion to split funds between a student and animal welfare
- Does GROWLS want to have an award? To be discussed further at next meeting
- Liz to draft out perimeters and submit to Nicky
Gun Club Assessment-Letter of Support
- To be discussed further at next meeting
- Suggested a speaker from gun club, members not interested
Application of Crown Land for Docks on Descanso
- Liz has been in contact with several organizations for support
- Should we send letter to Crown as a group or as individuals
Meeting adjourned 3 p.m. Next meeting Wednesday November 20, 1p.m.