Meeting Minutes

April 16 2014 – Minutes of meeting

Present:  Liz Ciocea, Jane Giffin, Andy Rollerson, Liz Steele, Eileen and Fred Kaarsemaker, Nicki Westarp, Vicki McDonald, Shirley Highfill, Sigrid Bjarnason, Tawny Capon, Joanna MacKenzie, Iain Lawrence

Thanks to Andy for taking care of the sign-in sheet.

  1. GROWLS Financial Report 2013-2014 presented by Treasurer Nicki Westarp.

Tawny moved that the Report 2013-2014 be accpeted.

Liz S seconded.


  1. Directors nominated for 2014-2015:
  • Iain Lawrence
  • Liz Ciocea
  • Jane Giffin
  • Carol Hemrich (Note: Carol had asked not to be included unless needed.  It was decided to include her in order to have an uneven number in case of a tie in voting.)

Liz S moved that the above nominees be accepted as directors for the year 2014-2015.

Seconded by Tawny.



Liz C.  on behalf of GROWLS thanked Carmel Briscoe and Michelle Delesalle for serving as directors this past 2013-2014 .

  1. Case Studies and Feedback from Pager & Rescuers Feb 2014 to April 2014. Presented by Shirley.

March 7 was an especially busy and difficult day, as there were numberous emergency calls and no volunteers available.  Calls included those re the Boulton farm goose shoot (and collateral injuries), a dog, a yew.

Also during this period were 3 calls re dogs, 3 dead deer, 1 injured deer,  two mother otters (and babies) in people’s homes, and several calls re a beaver, 3 varied thrushes, and 5 eagles (2 of them dead).

At least one eagle was likely electrocuted, but final report is not yet in on the necropsy.  One was buried on private property (with approval by Ministry).  1 eagle is now in care at the North Island Wildlife Recovery in  Errington.

Further discussion re whether the new Hydro lines from Mudge, which are higher than previously, are having an effect on the eagles and causing them to be electrocuted.

Iain:  to check with Hydro when he visits Mudge.

Liz C explained how to tell if an eagle had likely been electrocuted:  small entry wound, and large exit wound.

Also two geese were reported shot, and one thought to be injured , but later assumed to be exhibiting behavior to distract from nest.

There were also complaints re a model airplane allegedily harrassing wildlife, but the pager informed the complainant that GROWLS was not an enforcment agency or authority.

1 sea lion was reported “in trouble”, and 1 found dead (and not yet removed as of this date).

It was noted that it is very important and helpful to the pager if volunteers who do rescue and/or transport let her know when they will be away, so she does not  waste time calling those not available.

Discussion about the idea of volunteers being on a roster system so they know what days they are on call. .  Liz S and Tawny suggested that Google Meetings and Doodle Link were potentially good tools for GROWLS to use to schedule volunteer callouts.

No decision made to put this into practice at this time

Shirley: will update volunteer callout list.

  1. Committee Reports
  1. Deer Committee: Iain reported. The Deer Committee has not been active during this past year. Iain asked if someone else could take over heading up this committe.  Noone came forward.

B Library Project:  Joanna reported. GROWLS will soon have a special shelf of selected books at our library (near the front door).  There are 20 new books on wildlife/rescue related topics, and it can be expanded to 50 in the future.  There will be an Opening for the GROWLS Section shortly.

Suggested:  that the GROWLS logo be put on this section.

Joanna was presented with a  library lapel pin and sticker sent to GROWLS by the library in reconition for the Library Project.

C Eagle Monitoring:  Iain reported.  Ian Mouis has almost completed the eagle nest mapping for Gabriola and surrounding smaller islands (Mudge, Flat Tops, etc). He will be coming in June to finish.

Note for GROWLS members:  One of the active eagle nests is visible from the ferry as it arrives  – at the top of a large tree just to the left of the light.  All of us can monitor it whenever we are arriving by ferry.

  1. Recent GROWLS Rescue Course Training, Feb 22.

11 people  attended the very successful training. 8 of the participants are interested in rescue work, they have signed waivers. 1 other volunteer driver only lives in Nanaimo and will transport when needed. Basic safety equipment must now be provided for the new volunteers . Liz C to follow up.

  1. Other

Iain offered to store spare rescue kits and other equipment such as the raccoon kit, catchpole at his place on Pat Burns.  This will mean one central location for all the GROWLS equipment other than individual kits kept at rescue volunteers’ homes.

Puppets: A successful puppet show was presented to the Gabriola preschool kids recently.  A new puppet show, written by Iain L, will be presented at this year’s Theatre Fest, at the SOS (Save our Shores) Garage Sale (May 17 at Jean McLaren’s property, North Rd, just across from Tin Can Alley),  at the Gabriola Elementary School – as part of the new Gabriola E. School Vision, and at the Senior’s Lunch in July.

Herring Run at deCourcy Island.  Jane reported there was a large herring run last weekend on deCourcy, with many seals rafting and feeding and a large number of eagles and other birds.

  1. Discussion about recent changes by the BC Government allowing development in BC Parks.

Further detail at:  and and

Also discussed was the issue of geoduck “farming”  and the new DFO Geoduck Management Plan. Further information at and, and

Suggestion:  That GROWLS initiate a petition to CHANGE. Org or Avaaz or similar petition sites re the above issue.

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