Meeting Minutes

August 21 2013 – Minutes of meeting


Liz Ciocea, Jane Giffin, Iain Lawrence, Vicki McDonald, Joanna Mackenzie, Shirley Highfill, Sigrid Bjarnason, Andy Rollerson, Liz Steele


  1. The August meeting was cancelled. With only three attendees on July 16, 2014, no minutes were taken.
  2. Shirley Highfill presented the case studies for July 16, 2014, to September 17, 2014:

July and August was the new May June.  We had approximately 11 calls about all species of birds.


First and foremost were our very famous fighting eagles and their heroic rescue by the three Mudgers and the thrill of seeing them released + we released our baby owl which was rescued in June.


We sent a hummingbird, woodpecker and gull over to Island Vets.  All were euthanized. We took a woodpecker and an owl to Twin Cedars – they were also euthanized. 


We had two reports of Canadian Geese with what appeared to be broken wings – 1 on Sandwell – 2 calls about one on Dorby – which might be the same one reported earlier in the year. Interesting – I saw a newsclip on the geese in Stanley Park and they showed a couple with droopy wings saying it was a sign of malnutrition.  As far as I know people do not feed the geese on Gabriola – but they do shoot them.


We had a call from Nanaimo about a fight over food between an owl and a cat – The owl was injured but the cat owner refused to take him in for medical attention.  It was almost dark on a Sunday – so I didn’t try and get someone from Nanaimo out. 


We also had a call about a bat – it was alive but for safety reasons we did not attempt a rescue.. 

It died the next day and was taken to MoE for autopsied.


Three deer and one fawn were hit at various points on South Road + we had the fawn on Cresta Roco

One deer frowned in the Stone Quarry ??

Four reports on sick deer

Two reports on injured deer.



One inquiry about raccoons taking up residence in a shed

One rescue of a little guy caught in an Adirondack chair

A report of several sick raccoons on Sea Lover’s Lane.  Three were found dead in one yard and a fourth was found looking very ill.

One complaint about a resident shooting and bragging about killing raccoons in the Wild Cherry area.



We have had five seal pups

Destiny’s Child – who is doing well at Vancouver Aquarium

Technichian at the Vancouver Aquarium

Erbium Vancouver Aquarium – unfortunately he developed serious bowel problems and passed away a few days ago.

Loving Spoonful is at Salt Spring and will remain there until released.

Flea is also at Salt Spring and doing better.  He was very ill – running a very high fever and will probably lose the use of one eye.  Marielle kept him with her around the clock for the first three days they had him.


We also had an adult seal on Mudge – that took considerable time and effort.  We received a call at sundown saying it was a pup – no phone #.   Marcelle went to look and found an adult seal (probably a female over 100 lbs) with serious injuries to its flippers.  Marcelle insisted on keeping tabs on this seal throughout the night.  In the morning we contacted Salt Spring and DFO.  Shortly after we made the calls a barge docked at the launch – according to Marcelle a first in her 18 yrs.  The seal of course returned to the water.  Marcelle thought she saw her in a couple of locations but she didn’t come back to shore.


Also first time calls:

Not in this time period I had my first call about a garter snake who was hiding under the fridge of an elderly persons fridge.  The snake left on its own but I am looking for people who would be willing to step up to the plate should this happen again.

I am sure there have been other gulls rescued before my time but it was a first.

We had a call about a dolphin – in Cedar I called DFO and for the first time did not get a satisfactory response.

Also had a call about how to entice a salamander out of a house.”


Liz Ciocea suggested the changes in the delivery of hydro may be responsible for the increase in injured Mudge eagles (4 in as many months). She also suggested that it seems the Fawn Crossing signs have had a positive effect on reducing injuries.


Action:  Vicki suggested GROWLS purchase a vehicle sign for use by any rescuer having to go to the front of the ferry line-up. Vicki will arrange purchase.

  1. Committee Reports:
  2. Clay Seal Pups for Christmas Craft Sale: Confirmed sales will be at the Craft Fair.
  3. Rescuers & Drivers Availability: Jane has been letting Shirley (on Pager) know about member availability, and Shirley reported that it has helped.
  4. Eagle Monitoring: Iain said the report is done and a CD is coming.
  5. Library Project: Joanna said a photo shoot was done with Suzanne and The Sounder. The 15 books are popular and being borrowed.  Joanna will start afresh with the new librarian to increase the quantity of books, and books make a good donation.  VIRL does not want used books.
  6. Casa GROWLS Shed: Liz Ciocea suggested the shed be stocked for the grand opening. Iain said Fred Kaarsemaker is away right now, and that he would check on the cost of a Japanese hand saw as a gift for Fred, who did a lot of work building the shed.
  7. GROWLS Puppet Show Report: Puppet shows were held for the seniors at the PHC luncheon and for the public at the Gabriola Theatre Festival, where puppeteers did not use the puppet house but just all dressed in black.  Both performances were well received.
  8. Liz Ciocea reported on the screening of Blackfish, which was done in partnership with the Vegeteers, at the Fall Fair. There was a small turn-out due to the many activities available to people on that day.
  9. Liz Ciocea said that Bob Weenk of GaLLT is willing to do more walks in the 707, and that she had sent him a card thanking him for his time to lead the walk from the Fisher Road entrance.
  10. Liz Ciocea suggested the review and perhaps addition of information on bats for the Pager box.
  11. Liz Ciocea reported that the Saturna seal pup was rescued because it drifted to another beach where no Conservation Officer prohibited rescue. Joanna asked about length of time to wait to rescue a seal pup.  She had read in a National Geographic magazine to wait 48 hours. Liz Ciocea confirmed that is no longer the rule for us as what is important is the condition of the animal.
  12. Liz Steele asked if GROWLS might pay for one physiotherapy session for Mark Shaw who seriously injured himself while rescuing a buck.

Motion: Liz Steele moved that GROWLS purchase one hour ($50) of physiotherapy as a gift for Mark Shaw; second, Joanna.  All in favour.
Action:  Liz Steele to arrange for purchase and gift to Mark.

  1. Liz Ciocea showed pictures of a deer that drowned in the millstone holes on the Coats Millstone Reserve. This public place needs to be made safe for animals and humans alike.  It is believed that the Islands Trust is responsible for the site.

Motion: Liz Steele moved that she write to The Sounder asking local government candidates to identify their plans for making the site safe; seconded, Jane Giffin.  All in favour.
Action:  Liz Steele to send a letter with the photographs to The Sounder.

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