In attendance: Liz Ciocea, Eileen Edwards, Vicki MacDonald, Jane Giffin, Joanna Mackenzie. Iain Lawrence
Minutes from last meeting accepted
Case Studies: May 18th – June 15th
Thank you Shirley
read by Iain:
2 Ravens – making 4 in total the first 3 did not survive and prognosis for the 4this not good
2 hummingbirds making 5 for the year. Shirley kept this one and she released it
last week lain helped the Hive catch and release one.
3 calls about fawns that people thought were abandoned. One was relocated
1 fawn – witnessed by a GROWLS member was hit by a truck. This was not easy
for the GROWLS member or the truck drive – they moved the fawn well off the road..
2 late night calls about deer being hit. One the top of brickyard hill one near the chicken farm
1 bat contact with human — Communicable Disease determined that the caller not at risk – the bat was caught and released.
1 baby raccoon – found in the middle of the road – was euthanized by twin cedars
2 fledgling robins one found by side of the road – the other found near Wild
Cherry it was like a page out of the Exorcist – it’s head was facing backwards – unfortunately it was the weekend and could not be euthanized. I am sure the cause was a brain injury.
1 seal seen, between Mudge and Gabriola, was caught up in fish net – several boats went out to look – Chad G. looked for three hours.
1 baby bird with attitude and spunk later determined to be a Varied Thrush was also taken to Errington.
1 dog on behalf of Pet Find
I am currently following a deer that isn’t quite down – but will need to be dispatched.
Many many thanks to those who were available and helped with rescues – driving and over nighting!
I still do not have a list of the people recently trained. I have called two people that I knew but they weren’t available.
Eagle monitoring: Nothing to report.
Ian Moul will return to Gabriola end of June for follow up on eagle nests and chicks who should be fledging.
Joanna has ordered the book Dam Builder.
There will be a count at the end of the month. Possible roosts Coats Marsh cabin, Gabriola Golf course, two private residences.
Shirley will be calling and setting up mentor and trainee.
Iain is mentoring Andy Rollerson.
Possible Procedure discussed but still being worked on.
Shirley will call a rescuer, the rescuer will then call an assistant and a trainee.
The rescuers will have a list of all those involved with rescuing so if their usual assistant or trainee is not available the can quickly get in touch with another.
Jane has the list of rescuers and drivers times when they are not available.
Tetanus Shots
Excellent presentation by Joanna.
Jane will send out advisory for rescuers to check when they had last tetanus shot. These are available at no charge from your Doctor.
Shots are good for 10 years.
Shots only last three years, it is a series of 3 shots and people should only get them is necessary.
Seal pups:
Seal pup season is here. Liz will be sending seal pup tips and an article to refresh what to look for in seal pups.
Areas to keep an eye out:
Berry Point, Whalebone parks , Drumbeg, Malaspina, Marinas Descanso Regional examples.
Rescue kits:
Kits need to be updated.
Iain will inventory the GROWLS shed and prepare with extra supplies if needed for kits, Sign out any items removed from the shed.
Website Update:
Joanna has been in touch with an web master but needs the administrator password to be able to update the site. The web site to have 2 levels; public for all to be able to learn and understand GROWLS and see the events going on. Members only with log in.
Considering 2 levels of membership inactive or active’ with fee $5:00 was suggested.
Is membership from beginning of the year or date of purchase?
Tabled for further discussion at the next meeting.
Open positions:
There will be a call out to the members to fill open positions.Forwarded to next meeting for discussion.
Donation of Cabin:
The cabin is a no. There is no land or foundation
There will be an exploration of options of a building the benefits and liability.
Financial Report:
Vicki MacDonald A thank you card for Coastal Insurance for the hot dog fund raiser.
Gabriola Art Council:
Approached GROWLS to be part of the Canada Day celebrations mini parade. July 1st
Suggestions for those who would like to take part with the puppets showcasing island wildlife. suggestions, The girl guides may like to do anything GROWLS.
Hive has approached Iain about holding a fundraiser for GROWLS
ART ON THE WILDSIDE suggested name. Local artists submit works with wildlife, environmental theme .
To be discussed, does GROWLS take a % of sales, is the exhibition by donation any other ideas.
Iain to follow up.. Forward to next meeting.
Meeting ended 2:45 Next meeting Wednesday July 20.2016