“Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal, their world is changed forever”
WHEN Thursday, February 16, 2017
WHERE Roxy Theatre @ Twin Beaches Mall
Attendees: Liz Ciocea, Joanna MacKenzie, Carol Hemrich, Ian Lawrence, Judy Carson,
Margaret Taylor, Tawny Capon, Annatiisa Probhu, Stephen Hendy, Shannon Gresham, John Gresham, Jody Cameron, Gloria Filax, Leanne Martin, Dale Redford, Libby Gunn,
Alison Douglas, Bette Lou Hagen, Janet Miklas, Stevie B.
Minutes from last meeting waived as meetings cancelled from October through to December 2016.
A new membership fee of $5.00 per member, started the 1st meeting of 2017.
Growls Financial Report to January 31, 2017
Financial Report prepared and submitted by Treasurer Vicki McDonald, February 3rd, 2017. Read by Liz Ciocea
Bank Balance, Chequing account $ 1,405.67
Canada Helps Donation Account 812.42
Savings Account 5,457.52
Total Cash available at December 31, 2016 $ 7,675.61
Transactions to January 31, 2017
Donations $ 500.00
Expenses (180.23)
Net $ 319.77
Total (unreconciled) Cash available at January 31, 2017 $ 7995.38
… Moved by Tawnie Capon, 2nd by Margaret Taylor
Documented Shirley Highfill
Read by Joanna MacKenzie
Deer Rescues
- Over the year there have been approximately 20 deer calls, with most of them injured by vehicles.
- A sick fawn had to e euthanized by our vet. Spring/Summer is a busy time for deer calls as the fawns are born around late May/June.
Racoon Rescues
- There were no racoon rescues in 2016. One was reported as running into a truck and lay by the road for 24hrs before ambling off into the bush. Often injuries during mating season which occurs March/April.
Heron Rescues
- No heron rescues in 2016
Turkey Rescues
- One turkey injury in 2016 and the vet had to euthanized.
Eagles Rescues
- 4 eagles were monitored / rescued in 2016.
- 1 with an injured wing picked up on the beach near Shaw Road. It went to NIWRC, but did not survive after a short stay there.
- Another eagle was seen to be down and not moving by South Road Marsh / Cliff Cottage area. It was monitored for 3 days and then disappeared.
- An eagle was found dead on Eastholm Road area. It was suspected to have Avian Pox and was taken by MOE for necropsy.
- The 4th eagle was found on Whalebone Beach. Unable to fly and in very poor condition. It was taken to Twin Cedars Veterinary Clinic and then onto NIWRC. Four months later it had to be euthanized.
Bird Rescues
- Quite a few calls on Hummingbirds, all at the North End of Gabriola. Anna and Rufous species were both represented. Common cause for injury reports as hitting windows, car involvement, getting trapped in an enclosure and falling out of the next.
- All but one hummingbird was found on the ground. One taken and released at Wild ARC
- 3 hummingbirds were cared for locally, with 1 surviving.
- 4 separate Raven fledging’s were attended to who had fallen or been knocked out of nests. None had survived though one went to NIWRC. Later euthanized.
- An adult raven was found on the ground, being attacked by bees and made a full recovery at NIWRC.
- A common crow fledgling was rescued and made a full recovery at NIWRC.
- A Cooper’s Hawk hit a window on Killer Whale Lookout and was taken to NIWRC where it recovered and was released 2 weeks later.
- Another Cooper’s hawk unable to fly and in very poor condition with parasitic infestation, w sent to NIWRC where it eventually had to be euthanized.
- A Northern Flicker got caught in a stove chimney which had to be dismantled, where upon the flicker flew out of a sun roof window. Similarly, another flicker got trapped in a chimney but rescuers managed to free the flicker.
- A Pileated Woodpecker was hit by a car and died on impact.
- A Saw-whet Owl was found immobilized in the middle of the road by Island Trust. It was moved to safety and monitored. Checked with Vet on SSI for plan of action. Flew away in the am just before daybreak.
- A Barred owl was found on the fence by Wild Rose Nursery. Taken to NIWRC and found to have a broken wing.
- Trumpeter Swan found on a property off Eastholm Road. Able to swim but could not fly. MARS (Mountainair Avian Rescue Society) advised us to observe. Became distressed 5 days later and taken to Vet. No injury but had Aspergillosis and poor prognosis.
- 3 seals were released from SSI / Vancouver Aquarium in 2016. The 3 seals were rescued here on Gabriola in 2015.
- 2 eagles, 1 raven, 1 crow, 3 Towhee and 1 Cooper Hawk were released from Errington.
- There were no callouts to otters.
- For the last month of January, it has been relatively quiet. In January, an eagle was reported injured in the area off Daniel Way. Taken to emergency vet in Nanaimo. Had a broken wing and injuries that were unrepairable.
- Several deer in distress this year already. One caught in a fence which was successfully untangle. Another hit by a car but ran off into the bush. A 3rd deer was found dead on a property. Usually drag dead deer into the bush for natural disposal by other animals. Dead yearling found on Spring Beach.
- An adult sea lion appeared to be dying on Breakwater Island but disappeared. Another sea lion was beached on Mudge and appeared to be unwell. DFO were notified but it had slipped into the water by the time it was to be rescued.
- One turkey was picked up by the RCMP station and euthanized.
Question: What should be done if a bird / bat / squirrel goes down a chimney?
Answer: Advised to have a rain cap or something that flaps as a deterrent.
Recommended: An article be placed in our local Sounder on what the public should do if a bird, bat or squirrel should go down a chimney or small space.
- Quarterly Meetings will be held at the Roxy @ Twin Beaches Mall.
- 2017 Meetings – May 18th, August 24th and November 23rd
- Peter Llewellyn will be webmaster for the GROWLS website.
- The plan is to keep the website current and post a main event each month.
- If you have any articles for the website, please contact Liz Ciocea
- Judy Carson will be looking after memberships for GROWLS members.
- There is a new yearly fee of $5.00 per member.
- For large deer the RCMP will euthanize large deer and put in the woods to break down naturally.
- For smaller animals, they go to the vet. Any animal being given barbiturates, will be frozen and disposed of by the vet. They do not go into the woods.
- Property owners responsible for dad wildlife on their property.
The following are organizations / schools that welcome GROWLS presentations. Let us know if you know of any other places where GROWLS may be welcome to present.
- Earth Day
- Ocean Day
- Schools
- Kindergarrden
- Community
- Garden Club (history of Black Tail deer)
- GROWLS dispatcher ½ day course.
- GROWLS Rescue & Introduction to Wildlife course (12 participants
Eagle Monitoring – Ian Lawrence
- 23 eagle nests measured and monitored
- Lost 3 eagle nests (2,000 lb nests). Maple trees are unable to hold the weight.
Bats – Liz Ciocea
- Looking for more help with monitoring bats.
Library – Joanna MacKenzie
- GROWLS have been allowed to have their own book collection as part of the library.
- GROWL books are interfiled with the Regional Island Library books.
- Currently have a collection of 25 books and welcome more.
- Links to books can be found on our website.
GROWLS hosted an excellent and enlightening presentation on the Vancouver Island marmot on Thursday February 16th at the Roxy. Adam Taylor, Executive Director of the Marmot Recovery Foundation of Vancouver Island, was an engaging and most informative speaker as well as being a dedicated conservationist. He emphasized that the Vancouver Island marmot is in significant danger of being wiped out and is on the Canada “species at risk” list. The Vancouver Island marmot is one of 5 mammals to occur nowhere else in the world but in the one habitat. It is the largest of the marmots and belongs to the squirrel family. It is very appealing to look at and is a gentle creature.
For a more in-depth report, go to GROWLS’ website / Recent Posts / Marmot Recovery by Adam Taylor
Thank you for supporting GROWLS
Next GROWLS meeting is the AGM, Thursday May 18th, 2017