Discussion Points:
- Book: “Cries Of The Wild”, by Jeff Lederman, is avail from Liz for $20. Proceeds go to Saltspring Re-Hab Centre;
- Dar Mace has suggested that GROWLS establish a web site to promote awareness with the general public and improve communications within the Society. Member input/suggestions requested;
- GROWLS will staff an Information table at the November 17 – 18 Craft Fair. Volunteers are requested to contact Sheila 247 – 8886;
- Veterinary Appreciation: Suggestions were discussed on how to show GROWLS appreciation for their work. Liz will action;
- Lisa Carter has donated a new file box (for use by the Pager Person). Much appreciated;
- There will be no further GROWLS introductory training in 2007. Next course to be determined in the New Year (probably January);
- The BBC series “Planet Earth” (by Richard Attenborough) will be used as a fund raiser for GROWLS in the near future;
- It was suggested that a small portion of GROWLS monies be invested in a Cashable Bond (guaranteed 4% – 29 days) in order to bolster resources. Suggestion carried;
- Jean Wyenberg briefed on her recent completion of the 2-day Basic Wildlife Rehab course. Although GROWLS does not rehab animals, the skills could be applied in order to stabilize an animal for transport to a rehab centre;
- Dawne Williams has been the GROWLS scribe in local newspapers, spreading the word of wildlife rescue and increasing our status within the community. Her articles have always been informative and timely, and we sincerely thank her for her work. Jean Wyenberg is picking up the torch of authoring GROWLS newspaper articles from Dawne. Ideas for articles are always welcome (to Jean);
- A January ’08 visit to Mountainaire Avian Rescue is being considered. Only GROWLS members who have completed the International Wildlife Rehabilitation Course will be attending;
- Liz, Dar & Nikki Stewart were thanked for their recent visit to Gabriola Elementary School for presentations on wildlife. Rose Topp, Grade 4&5 teacher, extended the invitation. The upcoming generation was enthusiastic about animal protection and preservation;
- GROWLS is always looking for education opportunities. Informative presentations will be conducted by members at future meetings. Nikki Stewart volunteered to chat about herons, and Shirley Highfill about Barred Owls. The Membership-At-Large is encouraged to add their knowledge and experience to these ventures;
- Bette Lou Hagen collected $68 For GROWLS from the sale of her art cards at the recent Thanksgiving Studio Tour event;
- Rick Jackson (Fire Chief) has donated detailed maps of Gabriola Island to assist in animal rescue. Public access land names (e.g. parks) will be transposed to these maps (by Sheila) to facilitate rescues;
- GROWLS members should not feel slighted if they didn’t get a call for a rescue mission over the past summer. They may have, but not know it! The Pager Person does not have time to leave a voice-mail in the time-compressed search to gather a rescue team and coordinate the animal’s transportation to a rehab centre (any ‘regrets’ return call by missed members might also clog-up the phone lines at a critical time). Be patient, you are not forgotten;
- CASE STUDIES occurring since the last meeting were examined. See the table following for types/numbers. Side issues and comments arising from this area included:
- devices are available for cats to lessen their impact on the bird population. See:
www.pet-bliss.com/acatalog/Liberator_Cat_Collar.htmll - the Fire Hall may assist in out-of-the-norm rescues if the safety of GROWLS rescuers could be in jeopardy;
- devices are available for cats to lessen their impact on the bird population. See:
Statistics: 20 Sep – 17 Oct 07
Wildlife | # | Lived | Died | Unk | Comments |
Deer | 7 | 2 | 4 | 1 | 2
died natural causes: 2 suspected car strikes (1 euthanized by RCMP): 1 rescued from pool. |
Dog | 2 | 2 | 1 to SPCA: 1 to Petfind | ||
Bird unkwn | 2 | 2 | both flew into
windows |
Seal | 1 | 1 | juvenile injured
flipper but swam away |
Heron | 2 | 2 | both severe
malnourished & euthanized |
Raccoon | 1 | 1 | juvenile suspected
spine injury – euthanized |
Totals | 15 | 4 | 7 | 4 |
The next monthly GROWLS meeting will take place on Wednesday, 21 November 2007 @ 1930L hours at the Rollo Senior’s Centre.
Sheila Lake
247 – 8886