- Liz passed around various publications and articles on animals.
- Discussions:
- 3 Rescue Sheet pages to be scanned by Bob L and sent to Ted for web site inclusion. Jean W to provide eagle pictures;
- GROWLS has been offered a table/kiosk at the upcoming Film Festival. Jean & Marcelle expressed interest;
- Guest speaker Dr Chris Darimont, Raincoast Conservation Foundation, hopeful for March;
- Liz will conduct a GROWLS Rescue Course on Feb 26;
- The Roxy has been tentatively booked on ‘Earth Day’ (Wednesday, 22 April) to repeat the popular BBC’s DVD showings Planet Earth in an afternoon and evening showing;
- On 29 March there will be a poetry reading conducted at Drumbeg Park with potential as a fund raiser for GROWLS;
- Raptor Rhapsody will be held again this year. Timing to be determined;
- Jean W suggested an “Adopt A Seal Pup” program;
- Case Studies were discussed by Shirley H. Web site data to be updated by Bob L;
- Members are asked to be vigilant in the Wild Cherry-Whalebone trails for a deer with ‘slash’ wound;
- Members advised that fly paper strips are hazardous to avian health (chemicals);
- The large map indicating GROWLS yearly incidents will be updated for display;
- Lawrence M briefed his ideas in building a Small Species Sanctuary web site ( ). His Sanctuary is available for tours. GROWLS will encourage the school and GROWLS members in viewing (when it gets warmer/dryer, potentially during Earth Week);
- An initiative to hold a Oil Workshop was presented. It was determined that funding should be secured before making too many commitments/planning;
- The Eagle Monitoring group would appreciate notification of any eagle nests damaged by snow;
- DFO will be contacted by Bill K to ascertain the status of Necropsy Workshop/Training proposed last year;
- Liz is updating animal rescue permits. Our GROWLS Rescue Sheet (Members Only/Worksheets) will consist of 2 pages so that permit information can be printed on the backside;
- 12 container tubs have been purchased to construct more Rescue Kits. Judy W has volunteered her hubby to drill the air holes. There will be a Spring Clean Up for kit holders (to account and re-stock contents). Timing to be determined.
- The GROWLS Financial Report will be conducted in March (vice February);
- The Wildlife Rehabilitators Network of BC’s Annual General Meeting (2009) will take place at the Grouse Mountain Refuge for Endangered Wildlife, North Vancouver on March 6th, 7th and 8th, 2009. We will have GROWLS representation. Dar M and Sheila L attended last year (see GROWLS web site for details);
- Twin Cedars Veterinary Service will be contacted by Sheila L to investigate temporary holding areas for overnight retention of rescued animals awaiting off-island transportation;
- Acquisition and use of a Summer Intern was discussed. No action taken;
- Building and marketing of a GROWLS DVD will be investigated by Liz;
- Meeting attendees were encouraged to give an educational talk on island animals during future meetings (1 per mtg);
- Writers are encouraged for general GROWLS newspaper articles. Word length of <500 words;
- Regina Lorek will be at February’s meeting to educate on homeopathic treatment for animals and to re-stock supplies.
The meeting was adjourned at 2030L hrs. The next monthly meeting will be Wednesday, 18 February @ 1900L hrs in the Rollo Seniors’ Centre.
Sheila L.
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