- CASE STUDIES: were presented (see web site Stats 2009 for the 19 Mar 15 Apr details;
- HERONS: Rookeries were raided last year. Please report location of nests to MOE;
- EAGLE MONITORING: Two new nests were reported on the island;
- FLEDGLING POETRY: $175 donated to GROWLS from this event. Thanks to Jean for involving herself/GROWLS;
- SHINGLE ARTICLE: Sharon McInnes submitted an article on Hummingbirds;
- EARTH DAY: Posters are up. Planet Earth & Wolves Of The Rainforest will be presented. Donations are welcomed;
- RESCUE COURSE: To date, 50 people have completed;
- KITS: $2500 invested in Rescue Kits to date. Dar will attempt to set-up a summer Duty Roster to streamline the rescuer call-out. Liz will organize a Rescue Protocol review and a meeting to capture/update waivers.
- FUNDING: There will be no grants in 2009 from Parks & Rec nor the Vancouver Foundation. Members are encouraged to brainstorm ideas for fund-raising.
This meeting ended at 20:15 hrs.
The next Monthly Meeting of GROWLS will be Wednesday, 20 May @ 1900L hrs and held (as usual) at the Rollo Seniors Centre.