Meeting Minutes

January 13, 2010 – Minutes of Meeting


  1. Old Business – Minutes of the Oct meeting were reviewed :
    1. Website update:  Site requires more updating/corrections.  Action: Dar
    2. Liability Insurance: No update (Jane is away);
    3. Appreciation dinner for the Willcox’s:  date to be determined;
    4. Membership cards;  an updated version was presented by Shirley H. One minor change is to be made (i.e. website to be annotated in bold ). Thank you, Shirley, for producing these GROWLS cards.
  2. New Business :
    1. Case Studies: Sheila L. presented the month’s case studies (see web site ‘Rescue Report 2009’ for details);
    2. Website: Case studies will be presented from most recent to oldest. Updated photos are requested. Jean has volunteered to send in some of her photos;   Action: Jean/ Dar
    3. WRNBC:  Jean, Marcelle and Nikki S. will attend the AGM. A Friday night meet-and-greet will take place at the Surf Lodge. Cost is $10. Advanced registration required;
    4. GROWLS History: Liz and Jill have gathered many photos/ articles for their slide show presentation at the WRNBC AGM. There may be a preview at the Feb meeting;
    5. Fundraising: GROWLS will have a booth at the Gabriola Film Festival; the Geneva cards have generated $24, which will be forwarded to Saltspring; photos, plus story of Geneva, will be submitted to Elizabeth’s Wildlife Center ( ) for inclusion in their fundraising calendar;   Action: Jean
    6. Tips for Wildlife: GROWLS will aim for timely publishing ahead of each species birthing season; posters may be placed at prominent seal pup areas;
    7. Power Line Collisions: Wild ARC would like a record of our power line/bird incidents.   Liz will collate.

Next meeting:  Feb 10, Rollo Centre 7 p.m.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

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