- Minutes of the April meeting reviewed. Update on heron rescued euthanized at NIWRC due to wing damage.
- Review of juvenile elephant seal found on Gabriola beaches. The whole community helped by keeping GROWLS informed of its movements. DFO Lisa Spaven kept informed via emails and pictures each time a sighting took place. Originally growls was told this was a moult which is a natural occurrence with this species. DFO & the Vancouver aquarium vet decided the seal would be picked up the seal had disappeared from our shores. GROWLS volunteers made many trips to erect signs so beach walkers would know this animal was being monitored. GROWLS sent info to both island newspapers so the rest of Gabriola was aware of its presence.
- Recap of visit to MARS where GROWLS members were given a tour of this wonderful facility. Shown how to hold little birds in case of liquid feeding. Saw a red tail hawk being treated for bumble foot and then treated to a BBQ with staff and interns from around the world. GROWLS were also given some cardboard cat carriers for small mammals or birds.
- Earth Day “A Celebration Of Eagles” was a very successful event and not a fundraiser took in $450.00. Nikki’s cookies “Baldy Bites” literally flew out the door, as they were eagle-shaped and delicious. Tawny Maclachlan Capon slides of her following the birth to fledge of eaglet Pancake was a most amazing journey. We all cheered when Pancake fledged.
- Discussion about more Directors to increase to 5 from 3. As a Registered Charity 3 is compulsory but more D’s give a broader base of ideas for the organization.
- Roaming Dog Initiative prepared by Liz S. to be presented to the RDN and also all the bylaws that affect domestic, wildlife and people put in a document form to be included to the Welcome Wagon, Real Estate people so newcomers understand canine responsibilities. Proposal had been emailed to all members with a feedback requested.
- Fawn Season Posters around the island, community mailboxes and both island newspapers. Monthly article for the FS was about fawns
- Oceans Day June 05 volunteers needed. Seal Pup tips and a seal pup talk will take place.
- Animal Magnetism – June 11 – fundraiser by Feedlot studios & Jupiter Ranch for GROWLS with over 40 artists and a % of their sales goes to GROWLS.
- Scott’s great you tube idea to take some of the GROWLS articles and make a 2 or 3 minute video for you tube. All members who would like to take part are welcome. Scott will be reimbursed for his mileage as he meets with each person to create a video about the flora & fauna on our island.
- Gabriola Wolves Girls Soccer Team were picked as the Team of the Week all across Canada a promotion sponsored by BMO. One of their prizes was a charitable donation of $500.00 to be donated on their behalf to a charity of their choice. To a girl they chose GROWLS Director Liz, members Annette & Carol attended the presentation.
- Gabriola Museum has asked GROWLS to co-sponsor Flippers & Flukes by the Vancouver Aquarium. Event June 02.
- Suggestion from Jane G. about getting GPS for park trails in the 707 Park, as rescuers will find this handy when called to the park for animal rescue. Follow up and bring to the next meeting.
- Facebook chatter about Growls not dealing with domestic s gone feral. Carried over to next meeting.
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