In Attendance: Liz Ciocea, Billie Hatton, Shirley Highfill, Iain Lawrence, Sharon McInnes, Nicki Westarp.
- Billie Hatton opened the meeting with the GROWLS financial report for the period of February 01 2012 to January 31, 2013. Each member in attendance was provided with a Balance Sheet, Statement of Revenue and Expenses, Statement of Receipts and Disbursements and a breakdown of all monies received and paid out for the year. Currently GROWLS has $10,009 in our bank account. Billie noted this was due to the successful “Jail & Bail “ fundraiser and the bequest from Marlene Flater Estate.
- GROWLS presented Billie with a card and thanked her for her long association with GROWLS as treasurer, for her guidance in money matters and seeing all accounts paid on time and keeping the records in first-rate order with Canada Revenue Agency. Billie is stepping down as treasurer after ten years and will be deeply missed.
- Review of meeting minutes from February and contents tabled for next meeting as their was no one to discuss the meeting contents and ideas brought forward at the February meeting
- Case Studies – Shirley Highfill reviewed the calls GROWLS received this past month up to meeting day.
- Nicki Westarp gave a brief report about GROWLS and the Island Studies Conference being held at the Haven May 10 to 12. She is planning a meeting and would like volunteers to attend to bring ideas for a format of presenting GROWLS and the wildlife we serve to the world.
- Sharon McInnes is working out the particulars for the visit of Karen Barry of the Beached Bird Society to visit Gabriola to speak to us about the work she does. GROWLS would host this event and the public would be invited.
MEETING ADJOURNED 2:15 pm. Next Meeting Wednesday April 17, 2013 @ 1PM