Meeting Minutes

July 17 2013 – Minutes of meeting

Meeting commenced at 1.15pm,chaired by Nicki Westarp.

Members introduced themselves, as new members present, and minutes of June 19th meeting were read  and adopted.


1.People have been despatched to look out for orphaned fawns.Some fawns seem to just be alone  and others are orphaned.One has been picked up by Shirley Nicholson.This fawn was discovered crying on a resident’s deck.Sent to Salt Spring island Wild life centre for recovery.

2.First baby seal of the year has been sighted at the point on McConvey.Michele from GROWLS can see the point from her home  and will call if the seal is re-sighted.

3.Four birds have come into care: Swallow could not be fed as no appropriate food available  and so it died. Looking into getting some food on standby from MARS.Baby birds need blood worms  and meal.

:Raven was taken to Errington by Liz  and Andy but also died.

:Flicker overnighted with Carmen.Had a broken wing-euthanized.

: Pine Siskin spent 36hrs with Shirley H.and taken to MARS.

4.Received calls about racoons entering homes.Suggested closing cat doors and asked not to trap racoons as have babies at this time of year.

5.Turkey killed under a house on Horseshoe.There was a loud commotion, and scat found, identified as possibly cougar scat.Resident reassured and given info about cougars.

6.Call about a ruminant leaving scat in house.


Andy gave the GROWLS group present a wonderful slide show and talk about otters.Great information and fun.Thanks Andy.

The difference between sea  and river otters was illustrated. River otters are carnivores from the weasel family,are carnivores and love to play tag and slide together. Can go underwater for as long as 8 minutes at a time.They hunt both at day and night, and eat fish,birds and frogs as well as other small creatures.There are usually 2-3 pups and can be up to 6,whom only the females care for.Taught to swim at 2 months.Enemies are dogs ,black bears,and cougars Can carry canine distemper.

Advice on sealing under houses so that pups will not be born there.Females eek out warm dark dry places to give birth.


Margaret demonstrated the art of using the catch pole. All GROWLS members present practised with the 3 poles available.Our pole is kept at Liz C’s house.Mainly used for catching racoons.


  1. Library report from Joanna:
  2. Our letter has been received by the Vancouver island Regional District librarian and they are considering our request for a shelf in our local library for non fiction books and material pertaining to our local wild life.These books will be donated to or purchased by GROWLS over time, and can be signed out by Gabriolans.We are hoping to place these under our title in the Gabriola library.Jason our head librarian has written back to Joanna  and asked how many books this would involve….so progress.
  3. Shirley Highfill  headed up a discussion on making a racoon kit.Has discussed this with Island Vet.We need bite proof gloves in kit.Also towels to protect hands.Also need workable catch pole, and crates from GIRO.Walmart has steel door crates.Shirley talk to folks at MARS.Motion to spend GROWLS money on a rescue kit proposed by Joanna  and seconded by Liz S. All were in favour and motion moved.
  4. Liz C. Reiterated that GROWLS volunteers are authorized to rescue and transport wild life but not to rehabilitate.
  5. Donna  and Carmen are working on a list of pager users.
  6. Review of seal pup protocol by Liz C. Noted that pager person arranges helicopter landing.The Davidson’ places off Shaw rd is the first spot of preference, but owners need a warning.Second place to land is at Kelly Brook’s property.It was high lighted that 2 rescuers need to attend and to wear safety vests, advised to wear gloves,good footwear,and talk softly. It is important  to encourage by standers to assist in crowd control.The seal’s head needs to be covered with a towel and then the body cocooned.Essential to think out plan of action first  and have tub nearby.Also to take pictures,do up a rescue sheet.The seal may be hypothermic  and so kept dry.If over heated then back flippers need to be kept wet.
  7. Liz.C mentioned International Wild life Rehabilitation Council Symposium and Basic Wild life Rehabilitation course in November in Victoria BC.Encouraged members to sign up.Will send out the link again.
  8. Puppet Show August 17th 10 am sat.Looking for volunteers at Gabriola theatre festival.Virginia White will read “How the fawn got its spots”.Penny Sidor will sing and drum “Life cycle of the salmon”.7  children with sockeye salmon puppets to come through audience.Tonight is the first practice.GROWLS will put out puppet speaking bulletin with rehearsal times.Liz C will send by e-mail.
  9. Ian Lawrence  and Dar Mace sent letter asking GROWLS for help in completing the history and status of the Gabriola bald headed eagle project.Asking both GROWLS  and Island Trust if they would donate $1000 each to cover the cost of an official report from Ian Moul of Wild life tree stewardship report.
  10. Discussion on this resulted in suggesting proposers come to the next meeting


Meeting adjourned at 2.35pm.

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