Meeting Minutes

May 15 2013 – Minutes of meeting


Present: Liz Steele, Any Rollerson, Liz Ciocea, Sharon Deionghe, Janet Miklas, Carmel Briscoe, Joanne McKenzie, Michele Delesalle, Carol Hemrich, Iain Lawrence, Jean Wyenberg., Joan Walton, Donna Thorvaldson., Nicki Westarp.


Liz. C. Read the minutes of the Feb. 2013 meeting. Donna moved the adoption of the minutes; Jean seconded.


  1. Case Studies. Carmel reported on the pager calls from March 20th to May 14th. (April meeting was Birds On the Beach presentation with Karen Barry )
  2.         Jean will call Nanaimo RDN re grass cutting during fawn season.
    1.         Island Studies Conference was held at The Haven, from May 10-12, with about 150 people in attendance. GROWLS had a display table and did presentations on the establishment and work of GROWLS and the details of a seal rescue., which will also be presented at the GES on Thursday, May 16. A presenter from Denman gave a presentation on their attempts to spay and neuter feral cats, called MEOW (Make Every One Wanted). Carol H. Will ask at the Gabriola Library re holding a GROWLS display there.
    2.          New Treasurers Michele and Nicki  Will be co-treasurers. Billie still is willing to help someone on GROWLS handle year end reports. We need 4 signers, with two members being both sponsoring members and signers. Billie, Darlene and Liz C, will be taken off as signers and Jean and Carol H. Will be sponsors and signers. Donna will clarify with the credit union. Liz Steele moves that Jean and Carol will be signers and sponsors and Niki and Michele will be signers. Donna seconds the motion. Telus can be set up as an automatic payment for the pager.   Jean moves and Joan seconds that the account will be set up so there can be online transfer between accounts with two signers.
    3.          Moved by Joan, seconded by Liz S. to make a donation of $200.00 to either a cat or an ecological group (SPCA or Island Wildlife)  on behalf of Billie’s many years of dedicated service.
    4.          Liz S. Moved and Joan seconded that the Board review a proposal to reorganize  GROWLS’ responsibilities. There will be a planning session of the Board to discuss positions or committees, such as fundraising, membership drive, pager, education, public speaking, website, mission statement review. Joanna requested that members at large will also be encouraged to take on roles     and duties.
    5.          Moved by Donna and seconded by Liz C. and carried that an honorarium of $100.00 will be given to the Beached Birds Society in gratitude for the excellent presentation given by Karen Barry. Sharon McInnes will be asked who to make the cheque out to.
    6.        Liz C. Will send out a photo and list for updating the rescue kits. The hand sanitizers will be outdated and need to be replaced. Janet will update the phone list for the emergency numbers kept in the rescue kits.
    7.        Meeting adjourned.
    8.       Next meeting Wed. June 19th, 1:00 p.m.
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