Meeting Minutes

June 18 2014 – Minutes of meeting

Present: Liz Ciocea, Jane Giffin, Shirley Highfill, Andy Rollerson, Nicki Westarp, Fred Kaarsemaker

1. Seal Pup protocol and rescue kit contents review

2.Review of minutes of May 21 ,2014 – approved

3. Case studies May 21 – June 18, 2014

Great horned baby owl on downed tree at gun club – left alone and checked, gone later. Used IPod for bird call to see what kind of owl it was

Canada Goose Pilot Bay – wing dragging, called Mountain Air. Wing may or may not heal but rest of flock protecting injured bird and since it would be easily stressed it was left.

Call from Tofino with concerns re. rehab center in the Kooteneys. Referred to Mountain Air

Rescued Barred Owl doing well at Errington

Salt Spring sends rescued owls to Vancouver to OWLS since they have surrogate owls there

Eagle from Mudge still alive but not doing well

4-5 hummingbird calls – 1 sent to Island Vets and then to Salt Spring

Baby turkey died in the road – ? cause

Woodpecker hit window – died

4 robins (3 juvenile and 1 adult)  found ill in different areas and all died

Baby raccoon out of nest and harrassed by dog – died

Motion: That Shirley Highfill write a letter to BC Ferries requesting assured boarding for drivers transporting injured animals – Passed

“Smile” for fawn signs will be put in Sounder

4. Committee Reports

A. Playing with clay seal pup workshop – 45 were made. Each participant will get one and the rest will be sold to benefit GROWLS

B. Rescuers and Drivers availability – Jane Giffin working with Donna Thorvaldson and Shirley Highfill to develop a workable format

C. Eagle monitoring – no report

D. Library Project – no report

E. Casa GROWLS shed – Fred Kaarsemaker reported that the shed is a pole building with all the materials donated and a $400 credit from Arbutus. It will have double doors for easy access, a ramp and electricity. The roof is on and volunteers are needed to paint. Liz will send out email requesting help.

F. Gabriola Theater Fest – GROWLS will be doing the puppet show

G. Ocean’s Day – not as many people as usual

Salish Seas ISlander Days – GROWLS will be represented

Puppet show to be presented at the PHC Seniors lunch in July

H. The Gabriola girls soccer team donated their $500 BOM award to GROWLS and a scholarship was set up for a Gabriola student going into animal/conservation sciences. The first was given to Sarah Megyesi and was presented by Darlene Mace

Respectfully submitted,

Jane Giffin, Director

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