Present Iain Lawrence, Jane Giffin, Shirley Highfill, Liz Ciocea, Joanna McKenzie, Nicki Westarp. Called to order at 1pm.
Minutes of last meeting were read, amended to say that Carol Hemrich agreed to stay on as director. Carried.
Case studies
Deer with hair turning white and many seen. Happens often in springtime.
Racoon lost tail in fight with other racoon, normal behaviour, infected wound at neck, no assistance could be given, most survive on their own.
Robin banging against window. Cover window with paper to cut out the reflection so robin no longer attacks his deemed opponent.
Two eagles had a fight in Descanso Bay, one died.
Several herring runs in the last weeks, not uncommon for eagles to drown or die in fights.
Two eagles with missing leg were seen. Probably leg was lost in a fight.
Doe was hit by a car near Horseshoe Rd, died before rescue arrived.
Domestic pig strolled down to ferry line up and went home again.
Treasurer’s report
Chequing account $208
Canada Helps acct. $803
High Interest Saving $5,405
Jane gets monthly emails on who is not available, this system is working well.
Earth Day
Film on 30 year anniversary of Errington Wildlife Rescue Centre will be shown at library
Eagle Nests
Two nests fell down last year (Dragon’s Lane and Phase 4)
Library project
Book by Seadoc arrived. The $200 donation by Growls was given to the library.
Fundraiser for scholarship
Marmot Foundation speaker was contacted. Very busy, try to come in the summer. People offered to bake for bake sale.
Norm Nestie made and donated yellow signs “Caution Fawns” and “Caution high deer population” to Growls. To be set up where needed. Iain to contact Adept, BC Hydro’s contractor for pruning trees and mowing, to be aware of nesting and fawn season when doing their work.
Needs someone to look after it. Carmel can no longer do it.
Jared Hooper made and donated magnetic signs for cars transporting wildlife.
Meeting adjourned at 2pm