Present: Liz,Jane,Iain,Shirley,Janice,Joanna,Sharon,Vicki,Frank
Shirley Highfill’s pager calls report:
Shirley is handing over the pager position after a long busy time of handling many calls and rescue situations.This has been another very active summer with many deer rescue calls.It seems that several fawns have been hit around the Coats road/Coats farm area.It might be due to a higher incidence than normal of deer in the area due to there being a pond in the vicinity and it being a dry summer.A fawn was successfully released from a fence on Dorby way.
Several bat calls were received, including an incident of a bat with rabies that was handled.One person had a series of rabies shots but another advised person declined.The dogs involved were taken to the vet for their rabies shots.Another bat was taken to, and released by WildArc.Had a call from lady who had a bat flying in the house.There is a need for some public education.We have brown bats on the island.
A raven was found electrocuted.Received a call about a rabbit from Qualicum..rabbit was euthanized.
Unusual call about a snake in a tree.On inspection found to be a shiny ribbon.Learned through this experience that there is a protocol for handling snakes that are not indigenous and identifiable.
A peahen with an injured leg was observed in Descano valley.
Racoon on Tugboat island was exhibiting aggressive behaviour towards children and so had to be euthanized.Two racoons have fallen in water barrels this season.A point was made that we need to ask owners (or RCMP) for permission to go onto private properties to rescue animals.Shirley looked after one rescued racoon for 4 days and then released it.
Several reports of dead flickers this season.Higher incidence than in other years.
Two eagles rescued and sent to Errington. Doing well and will winter over there.
Call about a Canada goose acting strangely.
Sent a barred owl to Errington but it died.
Unusual year of no seal pup rescues.Surmised that maybe the frequent sightings of transient orcas might account for this.Three carcasses found on Whalebone and Mudge.
Jane Giffin’s availability report:
Has kept up a calender of availability for rescues and sent lists to Shirley for call out purposes. Request have been canvassed by email for each rescuer’s time away each month.
Iain Lawrence’s eagle report:
Following up with Darlene about getting eagles’ nests locations listed with the Regional District so that property buyers can note that there is a nest on a prospective property and learn about the legalities around this.
Joanna Mackenzie’s library report:
Discussed adding videos to our collection of books in the library.Also to check with Amy the librarian,if we automatically can see new books that are added to our collection.To see if Terry Hunt can put them also on to our website.To inquire if the library has the National Geographic film on bats.We have money to order this if not.Those present were asked for suggestions for additional titles of books for the library,especially those pertaining to rescues.
Liz Ciocea introduced a discussion on whether or not we wanted to donate to North Island Recovery Centre to support the rescued bear cubs that have been in the media.Sharon pointed out that a lot of donations have been provided for the bears,and so we agreed that a donation would be best given to the eagle program as we have two convalescing eagles there at present.Our treasurer Nicki is away and so we will vote at the next meeting to donate $500 to the centre.
Jane asked about us ordering some GROWLS ‘logo hats.She will look into the feasibility and cost of this.
Janet introduced Frank Eberdt from”Gabriola Anchor-rage.”
It has been 2 months since we have heard of this proposal to anchor large freighters off Gabriola coast in Georgia Strait.Frank emphasized the fact that the government, driven by corporate interests, is ignoring environment factors.Makes no sense as as in violation of The Fisheries Act, Species at risk Act,Environmental assessment Act and Navigation Act.The Georgia Strait is unknown territory as no harbour master.Tonnage has increased but there are already 50 anchorages along the coast.No one has to pay if anchored outside the harbour.It was suggested that GROWL’S send letters to all appropriate authorities connected with violation to any of the mentioned Acts.
On saturday at 7pm,The film ‘Journey to deleted islands” is to be shown at the Rollo centre.This film is highlighting the potential environmental disaster Enbridge oil tankers sailing from Kitimat will cause if this is given the go ahead.
Liz would like to start a bat conservation group.Will let members know when this is started.
Jane visited the millstone quarry with NALT members from Nanaimo. This is situated off Easthom road.Holes have not been fenced or filled in.Discussed if we could appeal to our local museum or GALT for funding for such purposes.No decision made.
Watched excellent film on barred owls.Meeting ended at 2.50pm