In Attendance: Liz Ciocea, Andy Rollerson, Vicki MacDonald, Shirley Highfill, Nicki Westarp, Jane Giffin, Iain Lawrence, Liz Steele (minutes)
Last Month’s Minutes: Jane asked for her last name to be corrected to Giffin (in agenda too). No other concerns were reported with last month’s minutes.
Rescue Report: Lots of calls about babies, including ducklings and a house wren. Also a call about a sapsucker and an otter. Shirley suggests keeping boxes on hand, as well as arnica and aconite. Liz C. reminded that people with kits need to keep their stock up to date.
Shirley had a long telephone call with a man concerned that his neighbour is shooting ravens with lead pellets.
Liz C. suggested a duty roster for seal pup season.
Treasurer’s Report: We have $870 in the Chequing account, $81 in the Canada Helps, and $5408 in the High Interest account. Donations that are not anonymous are acknowledged with a card. Nicki noted that some signing officers may be out of date, and she will check with them.
Eagle Nest Monitoring: There is a new nest at the end of El Verano on private property.
Fundraising for the School Award: Two students could be eligible for the GROWLS award. They have done a lot of work with 4-H and are going for their Bachelor of Science degree. Nicki will call the SD 68 Foundation to say that this does not have enough focus on wildlife.
Gabriola Theatre Festival: Iain wrote a play, which may be called the Animal Club (or the Turkey Club!). The play will be performed on the Sunday of the Festival weekend at 11:30. Liz will send the play out to the GROWLS members, and people can let Liz know if they want to participate.
Facebook: Carmel is resigning as Facebook coordinator. Liz C. will ask if anyone is interested in taking this over.
Salt Spring Facility: This facility may no longer be able to take seal pups, but they will be operating as a point of first contact. Liz C. said the Board needs to understand what is now happening.
Newspaper Articles: The Sounder said they would not put the articles in as they don’t have enough room. Liz C. asked the Island Tides, who are happy to publish the series of educational articles.